Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Are You Walmart or Target?

You Are Walmart

You think people who don't shop at Walmart are totally crazy. Walmart is always your first (and sometimes your only) stop.

Everything is so inexpensive there that you're really throwing your money away if you shop any place else.

You like the convenience of being able to get all the items on your list at one store, at any time of day.

So what if the lines are long and the aisles are messy? Shopping at Walmart is an adventure that doesn't tax your wallet!

:/ I'm more of a Target person, but Wal-Mart is closer

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Should You Celebrate Buy Nothing Day?

You Should Celebrate Buy Nothing Day

Whether you've ever celebrated it before or not, you definitely know where Buy Nothing Day advocates are coming from.

You agree that the holidays have gotten too commercial and materialistic. And all this debt is really hurting people.

Besides, buying a ton of disposable holiday gifts and decorations isn't doing anything to help the environment. Or your wallet.

This Black Friday, give yourself the option of opting out. Bake some cookies. Visit a friend. It feels much better than standing in line at the crack of dawn.

Well I didn't spend today, but I did buy stuff on Sephora the last two days and I just got my stuff from Amazon today :/

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What Holiday Pie Are You?

You Are Apple Pie

You are warm hearted and generous. You're the type of person who's willing to take a small piece of the pie so that everyone can have some.

During the holidays, you do your best to give as much as possible. You are always thinking about what you can do for others.

Your ideal holiday would be spent with your closest family and friends all in the same house.

The greatest present anyone can give you on the holidays is to simply be there.

yum my favorite!! then sweet potato :)

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What Thanksgiving Side Dish Are You?

You Are Mashed Potatoes

You are reliable and steady. People know that they can count on you each year at Thanksgiving, and you are never a disappointment.

While you may seem simple, a lot of work goes in to who you are. You are a bit of an under-appreciated masterpiece.

You are both decadent and indulgent, while still being accessible to the common thing. In some ways you are all things to all people.

You get along well with other people, but you're also good all on you're own. The bottom line is that you're easy to love.

we don't eat mashed potatoes...that's too everyday


What's Your Thanksgiving Personality?

Your Thanksgiving Personality is Rebel

You detest Thanksgiving. All that family drama mixed with unappetizing side dishes? No thank you!

You'll make an appearance if you absolutely have to, but you won't enjoy it. You probably don't even like pumpkin pie.

Your ideal Thanksgiving would be spent completely alone... or with the few people that you can tolerate.

You'd eat whatever you want - even in front of the TV if you felt like it. And there's a good chance you wouldn't be eating sweet potatoes with marshmallow. Gag!

I only like the eating part of Thanksgiving, but I sure don't eat pumpkin pie or sweet potatoes with marshmallows


What Does Your Favorite Thanksgiving Food Say About You?

You Are Sweet and Down to Earth

You are kind, wholesome, and considerate. You are a very well grounded person.

You get a lot of satisfaction from being responsible and working hard. You like to have all your ducks in a row.

People find you very relatable and exceptionally dependable. Friends and family know that they can count on your strength.

While you're reliable, you're not boring at all. You have a lot of whimsy in your personality... and even a little zest!

uh...at my best I suppose


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Are You Christmas or Thanksgiving?

You Are Thanksgiving

You don't need a lot to make you feel happy during the holidays. You already feel very blessed.

It is easy for you to be thankful. You think the holidays are the perfect time to express your gratitude.

You are definitely not a materialistic person. If anything, you feel like the holiday season has been infected with greed.

An indulgent meal in a warm home surrounded by those close to you is more than enough. Anything extra is just whipped cream on your pumpkin pie.

gluttony is a sin yall, don't forget!

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Mustache Test

You Are Easy-going and Relaxed

You have an inner peace and total calm that other people envy. You don't allow yourself to have mood swings.

People can depend on you day in and day out. You don't change your mind or who you are.

And while you're quick to react, you're also quick to act. Some have even accused you of being lazy.

You do think that people work too hard for too little in this world. You're willing to be a little passive and see what comes to you.



Could You Date a Vampire?

You Should Not Date a Vampire

You just don't understand what all the vampire fuss is about. You certainly do not find the ideas of vampires sexy.

What's hot about someone who wants to bite through your skin? Yuck! Plus, you're pretty sure vampires have bad breath.

And you're definitely not drawn to that sickly, pale look. Or all that moodiness - no thanks!

You think that regular old humans are plenty attractive. You can't imagine why anyone would pick a broody beast over a healthy, alive person.

got that right!


What Kind of Scone Are You?

You Are a Cranberry Scone

The early part of your day is filled with a bit of confusion and grumpiness.

You may enjoy the taste of breakfast, but you are certainly not a morning person in any other way.

Mornings are very difficult for you. Most days you're just trying to survive until lunch.

You're the type most likely to not have a scone unless someone gives you one. Getting a nice breakfast together isn't exactly you're strong point.

ya got that right!


What Chess Piece Are You?

You Are a Bishop

You are limited in what kind of moves you make, but that only encourages you to be wilier.

If you sit back and think carefully, you can be just as deadly as any of the other players on the board. It's all about using your head.

While it does get annoying to be underestimated all the type, you can use that to your advantage.

You can attack and retreat quickly, without anyone hardly noticing. As far as skills go, that's an excellent one to have!



Are You Secretly A Vampire?

You Are Not a Vampire

Sorry to disappoint you, but it turns out that you aren't going the live forever. At least, not as a vampire.

The good news is that you won't have to drink any blood, and you're free to go on basking in the sun.

Plus, you get to eat all the garlic you want... an aspect of not being a vampire that's highly underrated.

Enjoy your healthy glow and appreciation for human food. And stay away from those bloodsuckers who hope to turn you.

I do like my garlic, I might wanna get in the sun a lil bit though


What Kind of City Dweller Are You?

You Are a Fabulous and Sophisticated City Dweller

You've got big city taste in everything! You love to shop at the finest stores, eat at the best restaurants, and take in the greatest cultural experience.

You admit you're a snob, but you have to be honest: almost everything is better in the city.

You love that the city is full of beautiful people, and you love being one of those people... even if it costs you a fortune to dress that way.

Life is short, so you might as well live it up while you can. And there's no better way to live it up than in the city.



Friday, November 20, 2009

What Famous Vampire Are You?

You Are Angel

You have a pretty dark past, but you've changed your ways... and possibly not by choice.

These days, you try to do your best to be a good person. You have a sore spot for anyone who hurts anyone else.

You are a true romantic, but you can't be with the person you truly love. And you are completely torn up about it.

At your core, you're a loner. You are light-hearted and funny, but deep down you're really quite tormented.

I must be a vampire for real :/

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The Glamour Test

You Think That Confidence is Glamourous

You admire someone who can walk in to a room completely underprepared and wrongly dressed yet still own it.

Glamour doesn't have anything to do with how much money you have or how fancy you look. It's all about what you've got going on with your attitude.

The most enchanting people have taken a good look at themselves and accepted who they are. True confidence comes from high self esteem.

You believe that you can't be truly loved and respected until you love and respect yourself.

gotta have that swag

You Think That Power is Glamourous

You are drawn to people who have a high position in life. You may not like it, but money is makes the world go round... and you envy those behind the steering wheel.

You would like to have the ability to buy or do anything you want. You think luxury is naturally quite glamourous.

It's not surprising that you're attracted to people who've achieved a high status in life. Success is very alluring.

Besides, if you want to be successful, your best bet is to surround yourself with people who've already made it... and hope it rubs off on you!

a little status never hurt either lol


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How Do You Tell the Truth?

You Are Brutally Honest

Hey, the truth hurts, but that's not exactly your fault. You call things as you see them and pull no punches.

You believe that you shouldn't be punished for speaking your mind. It's a lot better than being a liar.

In fact, you have no tolerance for dishonesty of any kind. In your mind, a white lie is still a lie.

You rather that people give it to you straight. You pride yourself on being tough enough to handle the unvarnished truth.

just be straight with me oo wee oooo


What Do People Love About You?

People Love That You Are Open and Confident

You're the type of person that's easy to get close to. You're very comfortable in your own skin.

You have no problem showing people who you are, and you're genuinely interested in them in return.

You are an accepting and involved friend. You are truly curious about what is going on in other people's lives.

You may be the first in your group of friends to express concern when someone is having a hard time or making bad decisions. It's only because you care so much.

I'm so sweet


What Farm Animal Are You?

You Are a Cow

You are a kind, nurturing, and caring creature. You are deeply connected to the world around you.

You have a good intuition, and you sense what people need from you. You are happy to give as much as you can.

You are a very placid creature. Because you remain so calm and cool, people seem to underestimate your mind.

You are extremely intelligent and aware, but you don't always show it. You're more likely to reflect on your thoughts than share them with the world.

true, just don't say it to my face haha


What's Your Fashion Style?

Your Fashion Style is Casual

You prefer to keep it laid back. Jeans and a t-shirt are practically your uniform.

And when you dress up, you're still the most informal person in the room. Dressing formally makes you feel stuffy.

Just because you're casual, it doesn't mean you're unfashionable. In fact, you often look effortlessly chic.

You know how to rock a perfect fitting pair of jeans and a funky t-shirt. Not many adults can pull off your look, but you can!

timeless fashiopn staples, you can never go wrong!


What Flavor Toothpaste Are You?

You Are Baking Soda Flavored Toothpaste

You are serious about most things in life, and you don't take responsibilities lightly.

You'll endure what's difficult and unpleasant if you believe it's good for you. Like baking soda toothpaste!

You do make time for fun in your life, but it usually comes behind everything else.

You like to let loose once you've done everything you need to do in a day. So letting loose often means just reading a book before bed.

Ha! I do use baking soda sometimes


Should You Have Straight Hair or Curly Hair?

You Should Have Curly Hair

You are cheerful, outgoing, and downright bouncy. People find you to be very personable and real.

You are confident in your own skin, and you don't feel like you have to fake anything.

You are very independent and unique. You wouldn't like to look like every other person on the street.

People find that you're honest, and it's easy to trust you. Others expect you to be honest in all facets of your life.



Do You Put Yourself First or Last?

You Put Yourself Somewhere in the Middle

You've gotten quite good at not putting yourself last, but you don't ever seem to manage to put yourself first.

You manage to get by, but sometimes you can't help but feel like stress is getting the better of you.

While you may not be able to put yourself first all the time, give it a try every so often.

It may be hard to do, but it's really just as simple as saying "no" more often. The world will be fine without you, even if you drop out for a day.



What Cuban Cocktail Are You Quiz?

You Are a Strawberry Daiquiri

You are fun loving and the furthest thing from an alcohol snob. If it tastes good, you'll drink it.

So what if you prefer a fruity cocktail to a strong shot? The both get you just as giddy... it just so happens that one goes down a lot easier than the other.

You are not pretentious and are not a snob. You definitely don't pretend to be anyone you're not.

You just wish that everyone would lighten up a little more and enjoy life. Even if we all can't be on the beach, we all can be sipping cocktails!

:) mmmm


The Latte Art Test

You Are Peaceful and Philosophical

You don't get too worked up about anything in your life, even if you've just drank a double latte.

You try to take things as they come and accept them for what they are. You are completely and totally zen.

Your energy level is low. You are by no means lazy, but you also aren't prone to anxiety.

Your signature latte would be simple. Just espresso and steamed milk. You don't need a lot of bells and whistles to make you happy.

You Are Loving and Caring

You have a lot of love in your heart... definitely more than enough to go around. And the love you have for other people just keeps on growing.

You find that every person you know enriches your life in some way. You feel blessed to know the people that you do.

Your energy level is moderate. When you're by yourself you can be pretty relaxed, but when you're with people you love, you spring into action.

Your signature latte would be indulgent. You would probably request whole milk add whipped cream to the top!

You Are Creative and Quirky

You have a vivid imagination, and you're always in the middle of dozens of interesting projects.

You have a strong need to create, and your vision knows no bounds. You are artistic and innovative in all areas of your life.

Your energy level is pretty high. And if you get inspired, your energy sky rockets.

Your signature latte would have some sort of unique flavor in it, like orange or raspberry.

couldn't pick just one, the last one looks like a tasty chocolate muffin yummy

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Who Are You in Your Family?

You Are the Dynamic One in Your Family

Family members who haven't seen you in a while may joke that they hardly recognize you. And it's true that you change a lot.

You are very bright and quick-witted. You have to keep moving and keep learning to satisfy all your curiosities.

While your life travels and studies may take you far away from your family, you're always close to them in your heart.

And of all your family members, you're the most interested in family history and genealogy. You want to learn as much about your family as possible.

how true, too bad I don't like them that much

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