Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Does Your Least Favorite Color Say About You?

You Are Down to Earth

You are a person of substance and depth. You can't stand superficiality in all its forms.

You like to be social when there's a reason for it, but otherwise, you enjoy spending your time alone.

You are direct and no-nonsense. It annoys you when anyone sugarcoats anything.

You aren't much of a joiner or a team player. You prefer to be independent and do things your way.

You Are Dynamic

Your friends may say that you're unpredictable, but you can't help it if you embrace change.

Nothing excites you more than the chance to do something new, and you don't mind a lack of stability in your life.

You don't stick with any one thing for too long. You get too bored!

You put your own needs first. You don't get too hung up on what you should be doing.

right (Green & Brown)
even though this page is green....lol
