Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Saturday, December 31, 2011

What Holiday Cocktail Are You?

You Are Champagne

You are outgoing and easygoing. You're happy to have a conversation with anyone.

You are gracious, charming, and downright nice. You truly like other people.

You are adaptable and adjustable. You don't think anything needs to be set in stone.

You celebrate and embrace change. Out with the old, and in with the new!

bring it on

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Friday, December 30, 2011

The Central Park Test

You Are Independently Successful

You're big on doing things yourself and working outside the system. You don't buy into the 9-5 grind.

Your ideas may not seem to fit together at first, but they truly do. You are a versatile and flexible thinker.

You are resourceful and adaptable. You don't notice setbacks, and you make do with what you've got.

You are an object of fascination for many. You shine brightly and boldly.


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How Would You Grade Your Year?

Your Year Was a "D" Year

This year was, well, not great. It could have been worse, but not a lot worse.

Your year was pretty crummy, and you're willing to admit it. Hopefully there was a silver lining or two.

It's time to cut your losses and move on. Thank goodness this year is almost over!

Next year has got to be better... it would be pretty hard for it not to be.



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What's Your Motivational Phrase?

You Are "Carpe Diem"

You are very open to the world. You try to say yes to as many opportunities as possible.

You are a pleasure seeker. You're a bit of a hedonist, and you enjoy the finer things in life.

You are easily distracted. There's so much going on in the world, and you think focus is overrated.

You are energetic and lively. You stay high-energy throughout the day.



What Slot Machine Symbol Are You?

You Are the Bar

You love life - new adventures, new people, new ideas. You love to put yourself out there and get inspired.

You enjoy attracting attention - as long as that attention is for the right reasons.

Highly energetic, you are up for any challenge. In fact, you want to be challenged.

You are able to relate to people on their own level. You are socially adaptable.



Monday, December 26, 2011

How Outdated Are You?

You Are a Year Behind the Times

You are quite modern, but you're not obsessed with being an early adopter.

You adopt anything new once it gains mass appeal. You like to let other people get the kinks out.

You are future oriented, but you probably at least have some taste for retro or vintage objects.

If something is a classic, you'll stick with it. But if something better comes along, you'll definitely upgrade.

finally got rid of that land line


Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Christmas Sweater Test

You Are Passionate for Christmas

You are extremely intense in all aspects of your life. Your are inspiring.

When it comes to Christmas, you just go for it. You treat yourself and everyone you know this time of year.

You are mysterious and charismatic - and you easily draw people in. You are fascinating.

No one celebrates the holidays like you do. You are extremely festive.


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Where Does Your Holiday Spirit Come From?

Your Holiday Spirit Comes From Decorating the House

You are a very visual and creative person. You have a clear idea in your mind of what the holidays should look like.

You enjoy using this time of year to express your artistry and impress your friends and family a bit.

You are a comforting influence on those around you. You are the perfect person to host a holiday gathering.

You are grateful for everything you have. More than grateful, you're downright delighted.

all 2 xmas magnets on the fridge lol


The Dance Test

You Are a Natural

You are affectionate and warm. Your instinct is to take care of everyone you know.

You pride yourself on being easy to read. You think it's best to take the honest approach.

You are content with your life as it is. You don't fall into the trap of thinking stuff will make you happy.

You take care of yourself and others. You are a true nurturer and care taker.

back that thang up!

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

What Kind of Hug Are You?

You Are a Bear Hug

You are optimistic and bright. You have a self-fulfilling sunny outlook on life.

You tend to overwhelm people with your energy. It's impossible for you to hold back.

You love your friends and family more than anything else in this world. And you always let them know.

You are a childlike person who values adventure. You believe life is magical.

the best kind :)


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What Color Are Your Thoughts?

Your Thoughts Are Green

You are a holistic and big picture thinker. You integrate ideas well.

You are always trying to figure out how all the pieces of the world are connected.

You are natural and intuitive. The answer seems to come to you without a lot of struggle.

You enjoy working with your hands and doing things yourself. You are very spatially oriented.



What Household Appliance Are You?

You Are a Vacuum

You are meticulous and extremely clean. You don't like to leave messes lying around.

You are unwavering and brave. You do what needs to be done, even if it isn't popular.

You tend to be controlling, and you hate leaving anything up to chance. You leave your mark on everything.

You trust yourself to know what's right and what's wrong. You are willing to go against the tide.

the item I use the least lol


The Sugar Test

You Think Fun is Sweet

You are spontaneous and free-wheeling. You refuse to play by the rules, even if they're your own rules.

You're a little irresponsible, but your charm makes up for it (in most cases).

You are adventurous and daring. You're dying to take risks every day.

You see life as your one chance to experience everything, and you just go for it!

too bad I'm not having any fun

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Are Your Kisses Amazing?

Your Kisses Are Agreeable

You are a perfectly nice kisser. It is a good experience to kiss you.

You may not be the boldest with your kisses, but you always are appropriate and receptive.

You may want to change up your kissing style a bit. Give your sweetie a surprise.

You could stand to be a little more assertive when it comes to kissing. Stop waiting to be kissed and start smooching!

haven't done that in awhile


What Does Your Home Mean to You?

Your Home Means Serenity

You like your home to be a sanctuary. You keep it as close to an oasis as possible.

Highly sensitive, you are not a fan of too much chaos, noise, or clutter.

You can be a wallflower at times. You find it peaceful to sit back and observe.

Your home is the most calming place that you know of. You have made sure of it.

definitely need my peace and quiet at home


The Adventure Test

You Are Bold

You are bold, adventurous, and even brazen. You feel like the world is your oyster.

You're a big dreamer - such a big dreamer that reality can disappoint you.

You are a self starter and self-reliant. You prefer to do things on your own and reap all the rewards.

You are great in a crisis because you are willing to point out problems and speak the truth.

fill me up with benadryl first

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

What Lunar Phase Are You?

You Are the Full Moon

You are most aligned with the full moon which represents abundance and possibilities.

You are open to the world, and that's part of what makes you unforgettable. You are free-spirited.

You are a vibrant person who can't help but leave a mark everywhere. You want to create something amazing.

You have a kind spirit, and you bring happiness to everyone you know.



Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Over the Rainbow Test

You Are a Good Person

You are fiercely independent, and possibly downright weird. You're definitely doing your own thing.

You are an advocate for the people and causes you believe in. You speak up and speak out.

You are an ethical person. You strive to do the right thing and be good to people.

You are a humanitarian. You value justice, and you're doing your best to make the world a better place.

Am I? lol

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What Taboo Topic Should You Discuss?

You Should Talk About Money

For you, money is just a means to an end. You don't see it as mystical or powerful.

You realize that people are uncomfortable talking about money, but you never mind bringing it up.

You wouldn't be gauche enough to ask questions about someone's financial situation, but you have no problem disclosing yours.

You believe that people wouldn't have so many problems with money if they allowed themselves to discuss it more.

hell no

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The Craving Test

You Crave Excitement

You never quite feel settled. You have the spirit of an adventurer.

Your mind is active and often restless. You find it difficult to be at ease.

It's difficult to hold your attention, and you sometimes feel disenchanted with what life has to offer.

You are addicted to novelty. You live for new experiences, and you are constantly seeking them.

I do!

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Bra Test

You Are Conservative and Professional

You are efficient and precise. You like to get down to business.

You are tactful and polite. You are well bred enough not to offend anyone.

Focused and super charged, your instincts are a good guide for your next step.

You need to mull things over for a long time. You prefer to take your time when making up your mind.


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What Spice Is Your Soul?

Your Soul's Spice is Cinnamon

You think life is pretty great. You do your best to ignore or deal with the small stuff.

You love so many things in this world, and you embrace your passions. You are a warm and happy person.

You act on your instincts and do what feels right. At the end of the day, it's important that you're satisfied.

You are easy going and humorous. You especially have a sense of humor about yourself.

mix some sugar in that

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Friday, December 09, 2011

How American is Your English?

Your English is Totally Americanized

No doubt about it, you're a total red blooded American. Or at least you talk like one.

You probably learned your English in the good ole USA, and no one would dare mistake you for a Brit.

As far as you're concerned, "lift" is a verb. And you're not even sure what "bullocks" means.

And someone couldn't pay you enough to eat a courgette. That just sounds like a fancy french shoe to you!

southern USA


Thursday, December 08, 2011

The Diagonal Test

You Are Confident

You are able to talk to anyone about anything. You don't have a timid bone in your body.

You are brave and spunky. You will take on any dare or challenge.

You feel like there's little you can't accomplish or take on. You have high expectations for yourself.

You are flexible and adaptable. You adjust easily to life's changes, as drastic as they may be.

You Are Bright

You love to try new things, and you like to be the first in your group to spot at trend.

You are a very curious and inquisitive person. You make it your duty to find out about the world.

You dislike long explanations. You are impatient, and you don't trust anything that can't be explained quickly.

The planet is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them. You're ready for a grand adventure.


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How Are You Spiritual?

Your Spiritual Style is Seeking and Growing

You spend a lot of time trying to figure out the world and yourself. You seek peace, truth, and enlightenment.

Your thoughts tend to be innovative and cutting edge, though many people don't understand them.

You have no desire to lead or follow anyone. You're on your own awesome solo journey.

You are a rule breaker but not a rule maker. You are at your best when you're unrestricted.


Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Are You Comfortable Naked?

You Are Not Comfortable Naked

You aren't simply modest - you are downright uncomfortable with your body.

You don't like being naked, even if there isn't anyone else around you.

It's natural to be a bit freaked out by the way you look, but remember that the media presents really unrealistic images of people.

Your body is more "normal" than you might think, and you are beautifully unique.

I'm comfortable at home

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Monday, December 05, 2011

The Snowman Test

You Are Calm and Content

You are calm and relaxed. You seek out serenity and tranquility.

You are agreeable... to a point. You know when it's time to do your own thing.

Building real and deep relationships matters to you. You are a person of substance looking for others of substance.

You are accommodating and peace-seeking. You do your best to make others happy.

mm hmm

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Sunday, December 04, 2011

What Part of Baking Are You?

You Are the Folding

You quietly examine life's lessons and see multiple meanings in everything. You are philosophical.

You believe that the most important thing is to be true to yourself. Only you know your heart's real desires.

People often misunderstand you. You are more of an optimist than you seem.

You're proud of who you are. You're living life on your own terms, even if others don't agree.



Saturday, December 03, 2011

What Sort of Fashionable Are You?

You Are Casually Fashionable

You like to look good, but the first and foremost thing on your mind is comfort.

If it itches, pinches, or feels too tight, then there's no chance you're going to wear it.

You rather underdress than overdress. You never mind being one of the few who's keeping it casual.

And while you are casual, you're never sloppy. Your look is natural and simple.



Friday, December 02, 2011

The Cappuccino Test

You Are Enlightened

You think there is too much ugliness and drabness in this world. You're trying to make everything a little more gorgeous.

You believe the world is what you make of it. You take the blame for your failures and the credit for your successes.

You consider yourself to be vulnerable. That's the price you pay for being so sensitive.

You are a very balanced creature. You avoid too much of a good thing.

I prefer fraps

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Thursday, December 01, 2011

What City Should You Hail a Cab In?

You Should Hail a Cab in NYC

Your life feels empty without lots of people in it. You make new friends everywhere you go.

You live in the fast lane. You love action, risk, and competition.

Deep down you are a wild child. You definitely have a manic side.

You are very animated and energetic. People find you dazzling and charming.

As a black girl?
