Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What Sleep Disorder Are You?

You Are Narcolepsy

Interacting with you makes most people feel incredibly satisfied. You are gentle, super sweet, and in harmony with those around you.

You feel content and cozy almost anywhere. You have no trouble curling up and taking a little nap.

You don't need a lot of excitement. Your best days are calm days.

You are a solid and down to earth person. You never feel all that worked up.

it's not that easy lol

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Bridge Test

You Are a Bridge to Happiness

You enjoy a good challenge or competition. You're bored when things are too easy.

You are focused and committed. You never lose site of your goals.

You like to surround yourself with beautiful objects. Aesthetics are important to you.

You are passionate and romantic. When you meet the right person, you just know.



Monday, November 28, 2011

What Starbucks Hot Chocolate Are You?

You Are an Original Hot Chocolate

You are a faithful and tender partner. You are generous in sharing your many talents.

You are generous with your time. You believe that the best things in life don't come quickly.

You see yourself as competent, dependable, and detail oriented.

You follow and play by the rules. It's important to you to do things by the book.

yep yummy

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Who Are You in a Group?

You Are the Leader

You follow your own path, and the turns you take are often unexpected and inspired.

Anyone is welcome to join you on your journey. You don't try to lead; it just ends up that way.

You are prepared to make difficult decisions and do what's right. You'll take all the credit and all of the blame.

You are highly intelligent and have a lot of mental strength. You can tough almost anything out.


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Wild Eye Makeup Test

You Are Successful

Mellow and wise, you like to be with others but also to be alone. You seek a balance.

You are hard working and enterprising. You find staying busy satisfying.

You have high standards, and you are fair to everyone. Manners are important to you, even if that's old fashioned.

A bit demanding, you expect proper behavior from others. Your standards are tough but fair.


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Should You Shop Black Friday or Cyber Monday?

You Should Shop Cyber Monday

When it comes to shopping, you like deals... but not at the expense of your own sanity.

You'd rather avoid the mobs and pre-dawn lines, even if it means you don't get the absolute best deal.

You like to shop in the comfort of your own home, and you've found that you can still be a great deal seeker.

You are an amazing comparison shopper. You always get the perfect item for the best price.



Thursday, November 24, 2011

What Do You Love About Thanksgiving?

You Love the Family

Your family may not be perfect, but you love spending time with them. The holidays are important to you.

You are sentimental, and your emotions are very deep. You like remembering old times and making new memories.

You look forward to Thanksgiving every year because it's one of the few times the whole family is together.

You love catching up with everyone and simply just being together. There's no substitute for family.

wrong, I love the food


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Should You Take Your Sweetie Home for Thanksgiving?

You Should Bring Your Sweetie Home for Thanksgiving

You should definitely bring your sweetie home for Thanksgiving. As if there were any question.

Your sweetie will probably get along great with your family, and it's about time they all met.

That's not to say that there won't be any awkward or uncomfortable moments. But you can trust your sweetie to handle them well.

This gives you room to concentrate on the more important things - like which piece of pie to eat first!

maybe I'll have one next year

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Are You Likeable?

You Are Somewhat Likeable

People like you, but you don't give them enough to go on. You can be a bit shy and even harsh at times.

You are honest about your opinions and feelings. You rather be blunt, even if it upsets people.

You aren't out to hurt anyone, but it's true that you often don't realize the impact of your words.

Try being kinder, more compassionate, and more outgoing. The true you is a lovely person; let others get to know who you really are.



Monday, November 21, 2011

How Do You Learn?

You Learn Through Experience

When people ask you how you know so much, you often don't know what to say.

You've learned through all of your life experiences. And it's not obvious where all your knowledge came from.

You are an expert in art, music, food, and film. You are very culturally literate.

You strongly believe that there is no learning like doing. You like to get out there and live life.

You love the finer things in life, and you don't mind treating yourself from time to time.

You have a positive perspective on life. You are an optimist, and you don't judge people.



Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Abstract Rose Test

You Have High Standards

You'll do almost anything for a friend, but you won't be friends with just anyone.

You're the perfect combination of simplicity and divinity. You are a secret hedonist and no one knows how indulgent you can be.

You are very reliable. Many people count on you, and rightfully so.

You are intense, internally driven and passionate. You have a purpose to your life.


What's Your Chinese Name?

Your Chinese Name is Huan

This name means happy and joyous - which is fitting for a person with such a sunny outlook.

You have a spirt of pure optimism. Your view of the world is eternally cheerful.

You are energetic and quick to act. You are the first to jump to your feet.

You are brave and spunky. You will take on any dare or challenge.

I knew a Hoan in middle school

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do You React Like a Cat or a Dog?

You React Like a Cat

You are introverted and mysterious. People are curious about what makes you tick.

You trust your intuition. So far it has a good track record of not leading you astray.

You have an amazing amount of strength. You refuse to let stress bother you.

You don't mind if the world doesn't understand you. No one is going to harsh your mellow!



Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Crayon Test

You Are Ready to Take on the World

You are clear-minded and bright. You think through things well.

Your personality is extra spicy and larger than life. You love to have fun, and you are passionate about everything you do.

You are inspired and energized by so many things. You've got a natural high going on.

You tend to have a fast paced, busy lifestyle. Not a lot of people can keep up with you.

:/ wasn't too crazy about any of the colors

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The First Date Movie Test

You Think Love Should Be Thrilling

You're not sure if it's love unless your heart is pounding and you feel a little queasy.

When you fall in love, it's a total joyride. There are pretty severe ups and downs.

You tend to have crushes on sexy, powerful, unobtainable types. You can always get who you want though.

People are attracted to you because you're addictive. You're a hard habit to break.

someone should really take me out

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Are You Peace, Love, Unity, or Respect?

You Are Love

You can easily see the beauty in others. You appreciate them, and you never cling too tightly.

Thoughtful and caring, you often put others needs first. You like to look after your friends and family.

You are very compassionate, and you offer comfort to those around you. You take care of people.

You are warm and welcoming. You will go the extra mile to make someone feel included.

hmm that's interesting


The View Test

You Are Happiness Oriented

You are lively and inspiring. People love to be around your energy.

You try to make every day feel like a vacation, even if you have other responsibilities.

You are hard-working and persevering. You don't take no for an answer.

You believe in yourself and in others as well. A lot can come from giving someone the benefit of the doubt.

I'm overdue for a vacation

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Egyptian Goddess Are You?

You Are Bastet

You are sweet and angelic. You try your best to never harm or hurt others in any way.

You try to protect those closest to you. You are gentle and considerate.

You are trusting of yourself and others. You give people the benefit of the doubt.

Patient and tactful, you bring ease to any tense situation. You are a mediator.

Never heard of this one...


Saturday, November 12, 2011

What Kind of Team Player Are You?

You Are the Visionary

You think big, and you tend to have larger than life ideas. You are a dreamer.

You crave mental stimulation, and your thoughts tend to be very complex.

You inspire others with your far out visions and concepts. You get people excited.

You are independent and original. You are highly inventive and creative.


Really? Hmm...

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Friday, November 11, 2011

What Does Your Toast Say About You?

You Are Intuitive

You're incredibly kind, caring, and generous. You naturally put others first.

You believe that you know what's right deep down in your heart. You listen to your feelings.

You are a very emotional person. It's less about what you think and more about what you feel.

Your inner voice always speaks the truth, and you take the time to listen to it.

idk what this says...


The Airport Test

You Are Compassionate

You are sympathetic. You naturally have a lot of empathy for everyone around you.

You can easily see the beauty in others. You appreciate them, and you never cling too tightly.

You are very intuitive. You can always sense when someone close to you is hurting.

You are a seeker of harmony, and you are a peacemaker. You don't understand why there is so much conflict in the world.

I'm due for a flight.

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Wednesday, November 09, 2011

What's Your Personality Archetype?

You Are the Philosopher

You are good at drawing out truths in conversation, however painful they may be.

You understand both the meaningfulness and meaninglessness of life. You don't have any illusions.

You always think before you talk. You consider your words carefully.

Although you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you. You have a natural magnetism.

however could you know?


The Elegant Chandelier Test

Your Mind is Elegant

You are independent and original. You are highly inventive and creative.

You love thinking things over and developing theories. You have a theory for everything.

Very introspective, you can be silently critical of yourself and others. Your inner voice is honest.

You are simply brilliant. You are bright, intelligent, and creative.

I am

Your Energy is Elegant

You find delight in so many things when you are open to them. It's not hard to make you happy.

You have a head for ideas - and you are good at improving systems.

You are bored by routine. You need some whimsy in your life to stay happy.

You don't have patience for your time being wasted. You are very efficient.

this too

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Monday, November 07, 2011

How Do You Gain Control of Your Life?

You Gain Control by Focusing

You are willing to give it your all in life. You have no problem paying your dues in order to get ahead.

You hone in on what's important and stay focused. You do your best to eliminate all distractions.

The secret to your success is realizing very little matters. You let the unimportant stuff slide.

When things get crazy, you figure out how to simplify your life. It's all about prioritizing.

What I need to be doing now.


The Gender Predictor

You Are a Woman

Like most women are in touch with your emotions, and you believe that crying can be cathartic.

You aren't going to apologize for having a tender heart. You're moved by so much in this world.

You love art and literature. You think stories are important, and you tend to gravitate towards fiction.

≈You love beautiful things, and you have an eye for design. Beauty is important to you, especially your own.

I'm such a girl

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The Shape Quiz

You Are Caring

You are often thought to be younger than you actually are. You have a youthful energy that fools people.

You think that living the good life is pretty simple. If you behave responsibly and ethically, good things will come to you.

You have your own set of ethics, and morality matters to you. You can't imagine going against your beliefs.

You're helpful and giving - eager to be a true friend. You will go the extra mile for the people you love.


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Friday, November 04, 2011

What's Your Romance Style?

Your Love Style is Light Hearted

You're optimistic about love. You feel like the right person is out there for you, even if you haven't met him or her yet.

You do best in relationships that are steady, drama free, and easygoing. Love shouldn't be hard.

You are a great partner. You are generous, fun-loving and optimistic.

Anyone would be lucky to have you, and you find love easily. True love is more elusive, but you're willing to work for it.

not too much work


Thursday, November 03, 2011

What Primary Color Flower Are You?

You Are a Blue Flower

You know a lot, and you're always learning more. You believe in being self-sufficient.

You are a rule breaker, but not a rule maker. You generally despise all rules.

You are very fantasy prone. If you don't like how the world is, you imagine how it could be.

You are an open, flexible person who is able to see the world through many perspectives.

scarily accurate

The Modern Architecture Test

You Are Hard Charging

You are completely fearless. You refuse to let fear control you.

You are aggressive and hard charging. You are ready to go on the attack, if necessary.

You are specific and direct with your criticism. With you, it's always constructive and never personal.

You are ready to fight for your interests. In the end, you need to take care of yourself first.


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Tuesday, November 01, 2011

How Social Are You?

You Are Not Social

You live primarily inside your own mind. You happily spend a lot of time thinking.

You act without consulting others. You prefer to make decisions on your own.

You feel most at ease when you're all by yourself. Other people tend to complicate things.

You aren't friendless, but your group of friends is small and carefully selected.


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