Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Monday, October 31, 2011

What Mask Should You Wear on Halloween?

You Should Wear a Cat Mask

You are mysterious and tend to keep to yourself. You have your own inner world.

You are freedom-loving first and foremost. You value your independence.

You're widely known for your defiance and strength. You recover from setbacks nicely.

You do and say whatever you feel like. People are sometimes shocked by your outrageous behavior.

Why am I seeing cat related things so much lately?

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Art Start Test

You Are Brave and Inspiring

You are a great leader, and you lead without your ego. You know where you're going, and others want to follow.

You certainly aren't afraid to express everything you see and feel. You just say it.

Your dreams (and daydreams) are active and colorful. And you even make a few a reality.

You are imaginative and very visual. You can play out whole movies in your head.


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Saturday, October 29, 2011

How Do You Feel About Halloween?

You Feel Geeky About Halloween

You are the biggest nerd in the world when it comes to Halloween. You are really into it.

You know more about Halloween than anyone you know, and you celebrate your own way every year.

You may or may not dress up. In fact, you might not even go out... that's not the point for you.

You love the history, culture, and traditions surrounding Halloween. Sometimes it's just about a scary movie and a bag of candy.

Huh? How did that happen?


The Roadside Cafe Oracle

You Are Quirky

You laugh at life; none of it can be taken too seriously. You have a high craziness threshold.

You are entertaining and a total charmer. You know how to liven up a group of friends.

You respect the earth and truly love nature. You wish that everyone was able to live in harmony.

People are frustrated by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life. You aren't going to change to make others happy.

well duh


Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Hot Beverage Test

You Are Hot Chocolate

You are energetic and playful. You love to have fun, and you help people lighten up.

You want everyone to be happy, and you don't mind playing the role of diplomat.

You always know the right thing to say to people, and you never put your foot in your mouth.

You are sweet and soothing, even in the worst of times. You think comfort is underrated.

'tis the season

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Are You a Love Junkie?

You Are a Love Fan

You may not be addicted to love, but that doesn't mean you don't seek it out.

You love falling in love, and you think that getting carried away is a big part of the fun.

You sometimes lose your head when you fall in love, but you usually find your way back to reality.

You are a romantic, but you're also a realist. You know that love can't be perfect.

Why not? :(


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Are You Brains or Brawn?

You Are Brains

You are a very cerebral and brainy person. You like to think everything through at first.

You are well aware of the world that exists outside your head. You selectively participate in it.

You are happy being less physically active and more mentally active. Thoughts and ideas are what interest you.

You can get tired of being out in the world, being social, or having places to be. You never get tired of thinking though.

thinking isn't as much fun though


Monday, October 24, 2011

The Italian Food Test

You Are Passionate

You are magnetic and passionate. You are good at rallying people around a cause.

A true charmer, you subtly influence people into seeing things your way.

You are intense and over the top. You are more likely to overdo things than to underdo them.

You are definitely a whirlwind of excitement. When you're around, nothing is boring... that's for sure.


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Sunday, October 23, 2011

What Should You Get a PhD In?

You Should Get Your PhD in Business Administration

You love to work on a team, and you do your best to bring out everyone's strengths.

You only work when it is very meaningful and profitable. You don't want to waste your time in a job.

You have what it takes to be a top business owner or consultant. You have a head for money.

Your work doesn't have to have a higher meaning. Making money is its own reward.

This quiz should have come out years ago

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Saturday, October 22, 2011

What's Your Ideal Weather?

Your Ideal Weather is Heavy Rain

You don't mind being around others, but you prefer to spend the bulk of your time by yourself.

You don't mind spending a little more to indulge your cravings. You like to pamper yourself.

You like to think everything through throughly and carefully. You don't make snap decisions.

You don't dislike alone time... in fact, you savor it. You grow and learn the most when you're by yourself.

fuck no!


Friday, October 21, 2011

The Pedicure Test

You Are Respectable

You value other people's feelings. You are very sensitive and sympathetic.

You are prepared for whatever comes your way in life. You plan for the worst and expect the best.

Like most people, you crave and need approval. You like to be told you're special.

You are hardworking and organized. You try to have a system for everything in your life.

Haven't done French in awhile. I usually go for a solid, mainly pink.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

What Forest Animal Are You?

You Are a Deer

You are trusting of yourself and others. You give people the benefit of the doubt.

You are grateful for this life you've been given. You feel blessed for what you have.

You see the world through the eyes of a child. You are rarely cynical or jaded.

You are unselfconscious and totally natural in your behavior. You are free-spirited.


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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What's Your Power?

You Are Driven

Of all the types, you are the most energetic and vibrant. You just go for it.

You know how to get results. You have momentum and ambition in your side.

Gutsy and brave, you've never let your fears stop you from doing anything. You are in control.

You are very involved in the world. You say yes to every opportunity and invitation.

losing my drive


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Black and White Flowers Test

You Love Easily and Freely

You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together. You are find, make, and keep the peace.

You tend to be a the rock in relationships - people depend on you. You like feeling needed.

You are capable of great love, but it's hard for you to focus your love on one person or relationship.

You often find your attention divided and conflicted. There's just not enough time in the day.


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Monday, October 17, 2011

What US Time Zone Are You?

You Are the Pacific Time Zone

You are a ton of fun to be around. You have a wicked sense of humor, and you're very playful.

You are a free spirit who needs nothing more than a beautiful day to feel at peace with the world.

You like initiating things and activities. You're big on getting a group of friends together.

You are flexible and adaptable. You adjust easily to life's changes, as drastic as they may be.

not quite


Sunday, October 16, 2011

What Are Your Attitudes Toward Women?

Your Attitudes Toward Women Are Mixed

You aren't exactly modern in your beliefs, but you aren't traditional either.

You're generally pretty progressive when it comes to gender roles, but you wish that some traditions were preserved as well.

It's likely that you value personal choice and believe that there are many paths for happiness.

You think that being a stay at home mom and a hard charging business women are mutually admirable.

right on!


Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Card Test

You Are Together

You would do anything for the people you care about. Thinking about them keeps you going.

Life is too hard not to be easy on yourself. You forgive easily, especially when it comes to your own mistakes.

No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You try not to get worked up.

You think about how your actions effect others. You act deliberately.

I need to get it together


Friday, October 14, 2011

How Do People Remember You From High School?

People Remember You as Artsy

In high school, you were constantly growing and learning. You expressed yourself well - even if no one was listening.

You may have felt different, but you also believed that you were capable of anything.

You were open to the world and whatever it had to offer. You didn't make too many rules for your life.

You were imaginative and very visual. People were amazed by your creativity.

didn't expect it to be so accurate


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Do You Eat Like a Liberal or a Conservative?

You Eat Like a Conservative

You may or may not be a political conservative, but studies show you sure eat like one.

You gravitate toward comfort foods and classics. And you don't waste your time with fancy food trends.

You prefer to eat what's tried and true. You get annoyed with people who have hangups about what's healthy.

Pass the mac and cheese, meatloaf, fried chicken, and apple pie. Your tastes are all-American as they come!


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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What Thousand Dollar Shoe Are You?

You Are an Elegant and Magnetic Shoe

You are convincing and magnetic. Persuasion is an art form for you.

You are fascinating and alluring. People are definitely interested in what's going on in your life.

You shine when it comes to negotiating conflict. You can craft win-win situations.

You like to let loose but you always maintain your composure. You are always classy.

give me a flip flop any day


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What Web Browser Are You?

You Are Firefox

Many people have tried to tame you, but so far no one has succeeded. You can't be broken.

You believe in originality and tolerance. You think the world needs more diversity, not less.

You're the perfect combination of uniqueness and quality. You're able to relate to all sorts of people.

You have no desire to lead or follow. Anyone is welcome to join you on your journey for a while.

Shouldn't it be which? Anyway I do use Firefox so yay!


Monday, October 10, 2011

Are You a Spender or a Saver?

You Are a Spending Saver

You know how to save money, and you love seeing your bank account build up.

You also believe that too much saving can be awfully dull. You do a fair amount of spending as well.

You strike the perfect balance between saving and spending. You enjoy the money you make, and you have it make you more secure.

You may not be able to spend as freely as you'd like, but you sleep well at night knowing that you're spending responsibly.

yep sounds about right

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Sunday, October 09, 2011

How Do You Lead?

You Lead Through Serving

You are modest and humble. You don't think you are better than anyone else in this world.

You are a compassionate and selfless person. You truly care about people - whether they're strangers or friends.

You are very generous and giving. You expect very little in return - you're not doing it to see what you get back.

You aren't a natural leader, but you'll lead if you're called to do so. When you lead, you lead with humility.

so true


Saturday, October 08, 2011

The Wood Test

You Are Down to Earth

You take things one day at a time, and you do your best to live in the moment. You don't like to get too carried away.

You're loyal, trustworthy, and comfortable in your own skin. You've earned a lot of respect from having these qualities.

You tend to excel in work situations, but you also facilitate a lot of social gatherings too. You work hard and play hard.

Your tastes and preferences are classic. And classic never goes out of style.


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Friday, October 07, 2011

Where Should You Get Pierced?

You Should Pierce Your Lip

You appreciate strangeness and eccentricity. Personal quirks charm you.

People are intimidated by your uniqueness, but you are a genuinely nice person.

Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long. You are very dynamic.

You are open to new ideas and plans, even if they scare you to death at first.

nope I want a snug

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Thursday, October 06, 2011

What Apple Treat Are You?

You Are Apple Cider

You are affirming and supporting. You accept people where they are, imperfections and all.

You often give too much of yourself, and you rarely put your own needs first.

You are tender and compassionate. You wear your heart on your sleeve.

You are capable of great love, but it's hard for you to focus your love on one person or relationship.

never tried it

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Wednesday, October 05, 2011

What Lights Up Your Life?

Ideas Light Up Your Life

Others wish they had the guts to be as original as you are. Your confidence in yourself is unmatched.

You think it's interesting to imagine how the world could be. You are a daydreamer.

You tend fly solo. You have a few good deep friendships, and that's all you need.

You are a friendly and honest person. You're willing to give anyone a shot, no matter who they are.

confidence? :/


Tuesday, October 04, 2011

The Lip Gloss Test

You Are Openly Compassionate and Secretly Angsty

You are empathetic and feeling. You sympathize with people and have a lot of patience for them.

You are nurturing and supportive. You are the biggest cheerleader in your friends lives.

You are a truly loving person. You are affectionate and warm-hearted.

You have a lot of outward focus, and you tend to blame the world for your failures.

I'm starting to get low on glosses...

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Monday, October 03, 2011

What's Your Tea Type?

You Are Earl Grey Tea

Great moments of insight and sensitivity come to you often. You have many epiphanies.

You are very scientific. You like to experiment and pour over research about everything.

You are organized and methodical. You have your own system for doing things, even if it doesn't make sense to others.

You are interested in many subjects, and your interest isn't superficial. You dig deep.


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Are You Good to Yourself?

You Take Pretty Good Care of Yourself

You believe that hard work should be rewarded. You always like to recognize a job well done.

While you have an amazing work ethic, you try not to go overboard. You understand the importance of rest.

You are efficient and streamlined. You're always ready to get down to business.

You're the type of person who loves to blow off steam. You play as hard as you work.

I don't though


Saturday, October 01, 2011

The Autumn Test

You Are Laid Back Yet Productive

You love all of life's simple pleasures. You find a lot of joy in a walk outdoors or a day at the park.

You prefer a smooth and harmonious life, but you can navigate your way around waves.

You prefer a steady life, but you have been known to add some spice when things get routine.

You can bring stability and support to the lives of others. You can be counted on.

gotta work on teh productive part

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