Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How Do You View the Outside World?

You See the Outside World as Peaceful

You don't need a lot of excitement. Your best days are calm days.

You see beauty everywhere, and you like to share your inner world with others.

You truly care about every single person in your life. You want the best for everyone.

You are a great listener and tend to give valuable advice. You know your friends well.


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Friday, April 29, 2011

The Sky Test

You Are Exciting

You're quick witted. You are fun to talk to, and you always have a snappy comeback.

You're enough of a devil to get yourself in trouble. You love to break rules.

You get bored if you're not on the move. You crave adventure and excitement.

There's so much you want to try. There's so much you want to experience.



Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Type of Traveler Are You?

You Are a Social Traveler

For you, travel is not just about the places you go. It's also about the people you meet along the way.

You are fun loving and open-hearted. You aren't solitary by nature, and you're always making new friends.

You are curious about other cultures. You are particularly interested in how other people live.

You may be an extrovert, but you don't mind traveling alone. You'll meet good people wherever you go.

need that passport!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Are You Iced Tea or Iced Coffee?

You Are Iced Coffee

You are witty, flirty, and fun. People love to be around you and your energy.

You need change in order to feel alive. You are very dynamic and interesting.

There's so much you want to try. There's so much you want to experience.

You are always expanding your mind in some cool way. You are open to and curious about the world.

now I'm thirsty


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Japanese Pattern Test

You Are Patient

You tend to stick with relationships - through the good and the bad. You're stubborn that way.

You are willing to wait for someone to come around. You give lots of second chances.

You are a great listener and tend to give valuable advice. You know your friends well.

You have a lot of inner strength, and you can dig deep when you need to. You are resilient.

I don't know if that's good or bad

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Monday, April 25, 2011

What Does Your Favorite Breed of Dog Say About You?

You Are Family Focused

You are a fun-loving and social person. Your friends and family are everything to you.

You tend to have a pretty active lifestyle. You enjoy being on the go.

You are easygoing and low maintenance. You don't like drama of any sort.

You have a positive perspective on life. You are an optimist, and you don't judge people.

chocolate lab pups are the cutest!


Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Color Peep Are You?

You Are a Blue Peep

You are colorful and enthusiastic. You embrace life fully every single day.

You are a big ball of energy, and you're quick to act on any inspiration that comes your way.

You want to change the world, and you've got what it takes to do it. You are destined for greatness.

You tend to be a little vain, and you expect others to feed your ego often with complements.


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Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Waffle Test

You Are Selfless

You are appreciative of all of the good things in your life. You count your blessings.

You are affirming and supporting. You accept people where they are, imperfections and all.

You are unselfish, humble, and altruistic. You get great joy from putting others first.

You are warm and welcoming. You will go the extra mile to make someone feel included.

needs bacon

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Friday, April 22, 2011

What Season is Your Soul?

You Are Summer

You're doing what you love, and that varies from day to day. You are truly living the life.

You are always growing and self-renewing. You embrace the new you fully.

You have an ironic view of life and yourself. It would be a shame to take anything too seriously.

You are aware of all your feelings and impulses. You don't always act on them, but you know they're there.



Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Sushi Chopstick Test

You Are Real

You are happy being yourself, and you strive to be honest above all else.

You know who you are, and you're good with that. Too bad if no one else is.

You are emotionally authentic at all costs. You let your true feelings be known.

You enjoy every moment and every experience you are given. You see life as a blessing.

never tried

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Berry Smoothie Are You?

You Are a Blackberry Smoothie

You are mentally alert and curious. Your mind is always at work, even when you're resting.

You produce valuable and original works. You are quite the creator.

You are insightful and astute. You are quite savvy when it comes to most things.

You are probably an expert in at least one field. You love gaining deep knowledge.



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What Kind of Leaf Are You?

You Are a Birch Leaf

You are very considerate and thoughtful. The world needs more people like you.

You follow the rules - even if you don't particularly like them.

You are polite and courteous. You always mind your manners.

The emotions of others deeply affect you, and it's easy for you to be moved to laughter or tears.



Monday, April 18, 2011

The Modern Chair Test

You Are Confident

You have a very strong personality. You don't tone it down for anyone.

You know who you are and embrace it. Whether people love you or hate you, you're not going to change.

You are goal oriented, both for work and personal self-improvements. You like having benchmarks.

You are brave and bold in the face of adversity. You believe fear only gets in the way.

You Are Content

You are modest and humble. You don't think you are better than anyone else in this world.

You are a people person and very community oriented. You never forget where you come from.

You are very in tune with your surroundings. You immediately pick up on the vibe of a room.

You want to live a peaceful life. You don't have time for toxic people.

this one looks more comfortable though

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Are You Creamy or Chunky Peanut Butter?

You Are Creamy Peanut Butter

You consider yourself to be a pretty normal person. You fit well into this world.

You are organized and together. You don't just like structure - you prefer it.

You know where you're going in life... and why you're going there. Social pressure doesn't get to you.

You think of yourself as regular gal or guy next door. Your life may be nothing special, but at least it's yours.



Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Gradient Test

You Are Dominant

You are an object of fascination for many. You shine brightly and boldly.

You can talk your way into - and out of - any situation you desire.

You move on to the next thing freely and without regrets. Life is about change.

You travel light. There's nothing worse than having too much baggage.


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Friday, April 15, 2011

What Color Leather Jacket Are You?

You Are a Black Leather Jacket

You are a simply happy person. You feel fortunate to have so much light and laughter in your life.

You are sometimes unprepared, and you're fine with that. You prefer to remain open and flexible.

You know how to have a good time. You have something to smile about every day.

You are good at getting people to let loose. You are the fun one in your group.

no leather in TX

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The Little Cake Test

You Are Intense

Your relationships are very passionate and powerful. You love and hate deeply.

If someone does you wrong, you tend to be obsessed with getting back at them. You want justice.

You love competition and a challenge. The promise of victory motivates you.

You are continually making progress. You believe in moving forward with your goals.


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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Are You Regular or Decaf?

You Are Decaf

You are a patient and compassionate person. You understand that we're all human.

You are one of the most determined people around. You can dig deep when you need to.

You are good at putting things together and following directions. You stay focused.

You are proud of what you know how to do. And you know that you're improving every day.



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What's Your Grocery Shopping Style?

You Are a Quick Shopper

You're a speedy shopper and a speedy cook. You value efficiency above all else.

You don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen... or in the grocery store!

You buy a lot of convenience foods, and you've got making quick meals at home down to a science.

You know what's cheap, healthy, and easy. You don't need a lot of fuss to eat well.

cheap and easy yes, healthy.....not quite


Monday, April 11, 2011

The Birthday Cupcake Test

You Are Open-Minded

You don't get too caught up in how you think things should be. You know there's not much you can control.

You are accepting and broad-minded. You think the world needs more tolerance and understanding.

You are intensely passionate, especially about causes and people you believe in.

You couldn't be someone else even if you tried! You're simply you - and thank goodness for that.

closest to chocolate

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What Color Martini Are You?

You Are a Pink Martini

You're eager to lend a sympathetic ear and likely to develop a deep connection with people.

You are an idealistic and romantic person. You have a very clear idea of how you'd like the world to be.

It hurts you to see anyone or anything in pain. You are thin-skinned and empathetic.

You are very sensitive. You tend to get easily hurt, and you have learned to protect your heart.

:/ nah


Saturday, April 09, 2011

What Yankee Candle Scent Are You?

You Are Balsam & Cedar

You are slow to anger and quick to forgive. Life is too short for grudges.

You are self-sufficient and independent. You would never want to be a burden to others.

You purposely life life at a slower pace. You delight, savor, and relish.

You are warm and affectionate. You always have a tender word or embrace for friends and family.

huh? naw...


Friday, April 08, 2011

What Suit of Cards Are You?

You Are Hearts

You are joyfully curious about the world. There's so much to explore and learn.

You are lively and downright bouncy. You glow with happiness and bliss.

You are spontaneous and impulsive. You just go with your instincts.

You find almost everything invigorating. You are enthusiastic and upbeat.



Thursday, April 07, 2011

Are You Gap, Banana Republic, or Old Navy?

You Are Gap

You like crowds, and you feed off the energy of others. You are very enthusiastic.

You definitely have a flair for the dramatic. You like to play with having different personas.

You are decisive and resolute. In a world of so many options, you know what works for you.

You have excellent people skills. You are the well-mannered girl or guy next door.

haven't shopped there in forever


Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The Skirt Test

You Are Social

You're very charming and outgoing. You make for pleasant and delightful company.

People are drawn to your easy going and friendly ways. You are playful and amiable.

Friendship is important to you. You will always make time for a friend.

You can get along with anyone, but you also know how to secretly get your way.


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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Do You Have a Good Sense of Humor?

You Have a Good Sense of Humor

You love to make other people laugh, and you're pretty darn good at it to. You are downright hilarious.

You never let life get you down. When things go wrong, you can find at least one thing to laugh at.

You are a positive and upbeat person. You have a sunny disposition and smile for everyone you meet.

Even though you're funny, you still take your responsibilities seriously. You just take yourself lightly.



Monday, April 04, 2011

The Dark Room Color Test

You Are Reasonable

You have a strong sense of responsibility. You always want to do the right thing, no matter the context.

You are orderly and organized. You appreciate the stability routine brings to your life.

You are simply a good person. You have high standards you uphold, but you don't boast about your morals.

You expect a lot of yourself, but you're tolerant of others. You know that no one can be perfect.

basically I'm perfect

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Sunday, April 03, 2011

What Elementary School Subject Are You?

You Are Reading

You are solitary but not a loner. You just value your quiet time - especially if that time includes a book.

You are a total novelty seeker, and you always appreciate new things to read about.

You are an idealist not a realist. Reality is a little too boring for your tastes.

Besides being an avid reader, you are a writer. In fact, you are an excellent writer, and you have a lot to say!



Saturday, April 02, 2011

Which Exotic Fruit Are You?

You Are a Kiwi

You're a very outgoing person. You start each day excited about the people you'll see and meet.

You're the type of person who's just comfortable around others. You are a very social creature.

You are quite opinionated. You can't help but have a view on everything, and you don't mind sharing it!

You are prepared for whatever comes your way in life. You plan for the worst and expect the best.

I'm hungry


Friday, April 01, 2011

Are You Easily Fooled?

You Are Not Easily Fooled

You may have been fooled in the past, but you won't get fooled again. You're wise to the ways of the world.

If something seems fishy, you stay far away from it. And if you're not sure, you investigate.

You know how to protect yourself. You know how to cut through the crap and see what someone's truly about.

You may come off as skeptical and doubting, but you've found that your skepticism is often warranted.

mama didn't raise no fool
