Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Taco Test

You Are Endearing

You are outgoing and friendly. You always have something to be excited about.

You are easy going and happy. You enjoy everything in life.

You are a person of strong taste. You are adventurous in what you like.

No one would describe you as hot-headed. You maintain your cool no matter what.

mmm tacos

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Will Your Life Be Like in Ten Years?

Your Life Will Be Calm in Ten Years

You're the type of person who takes things as they come, and you do your best not to worry.

You know that there's a lot in this world that you can't change - and you're not about to try to change it.

You are confident and content. You don't feel like you need to push too hard.

Try to break out of your comfort zone every now and then, though. Have an adventure! You are risking complacency.

just what I'm doing...

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Friday, May 28, 2010

The Either Or Love Test

Your Love Style is Passionate

You tend to approach falling in love seriously. You know that each new person could be the one.

You see love as an important part of your life, but it's not the whole picture. You keep romance in perspective.

You see love as calming and relaxing. Being with someone makes you feel pampered and cared for. You need a stable relationship.

You are swept off your feet by big romantic gestures. You don't mind if a relationship is a little dramatic!

nah no dramatics please


Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Pasture Test

You Are Peaceful and Content

You have reached a point in your life where you've accepted things and found bliss.

You cultivate a sense of gratitude, and you believe that each day you're given is special.

You have a low tolerance for drama, and you have been known to cut troublesome people out of your life completely.

You are a daydreamer, but there is nothing lofty about your dreams. You can be perfectly happy just watching the clouds.

right on

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Is Your Brain Old or Young?

Your Brain is Old

You may not be over the hill, but your brain sure is!

You don't ever exercise your brain, and as a result, it's getting lazy.

It's time for you to get to work, and it's not going to be easy.

Turn off the tv. Start reading. Take a class. You can be smarter and sharper if you want to be!

I knooooow


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What's Your Creative Power?

Your Creative Power is Your Logic

You're the type of person who is great at execution. You don't just dream about ideas - you make them happen!

You are idealistic and determined, but you are also a realist. You only undertake projects you're pretty sure you can finish.

You are a natural problem solver, and you actually think better when you're being challenged.

You do best when you work by yourself or when you're in charge. You ideas are big, dramatic, and the best.

if only


Monday, May 24, 2010

What's Your Dutch Name?

Your Dutch Name is Wilona Gusta Damkot

Think before you begin

anytime u make a payment....


Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Coffee Oracle

You Are a Calm Tea

You definitely march to the beat of your own drum, and you don't succumb to peer pressure.

You enjoy doing your own thing - and this means having your own unique tastes and preferences.

You are confident and calm. You tend to find other people annoying, especially when they want to tell you what to do.

Just because everyone else is doing something, it doesn't mean you want to do it. And you're okay with that.

couldn't be more on point!

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

What's Your Happy Word?

Your Happy Word is "Delight"

You are happy because you are engaged in and curious about the world. The smallest things life your spirits.

You love that life is full of surprises. You can always see what's extraordinary in an ordinary day.

You are whimsical and unpredictable. You like to shake things up a lot and have fun every day.

Your friends can always count on you to make them smile. You are a delight yourself.


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Friday, May 21, 2010

How Curious Are You?

You Are Incurious

You are just not that interested in the world around you. You are content as is.

You don't investigate much, and you're pretty reluctant to try anything new.

Your world is probably quite safe, but it's also quite dull. Wake up!

Pay closer attention to the world around you. It turns out that it's a pretty interesting place.

lies! well... :/


Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Does Your Desk Say About You?

You Are a Creative Worker

You are a very personally expressive person, especially outside of work. Your individuality matters to you.

You draw a lot of inspiration and energy from your own internal world. You get bored easily around other people.

You are confident and competent. You tend to not make mistakes, and you trust your judgment.

You are down to earth and practical. You achieve success one step at a time, by paying attention to details.



Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Footprint Test

You Try to Tread Lightly

You would like to make the world a better place, but you also don't want to inflict any damage on it.

You try to live a green and sustainable life. The environment matters deeply to you.

You are thoughtful in your decisions and words. You think everyone should try harder not to harm one another.

You don't think big... in fact, you tend to think small. You know that one small action can make a big difference.


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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What Swimming Stroke Are You?

You Are the Backstroke

You can't help but see the world from a completely different point of view.

You like to innovate and break the rules. You like turning things upside down just for fun.

You are very observant and visual. You are always looking around to see what's going on.

You have many interesting theories and insights. You even surprise yourself with what you come up with.

haven't been swimming in ages


Monday, May 17, 2010

What's Your Welsh Name?

Your Welsh Name is Kendall Llio Davies

The best candle is understanding

cool, idk what the candle stuff is all about though

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What's Your Dance Style?

You Are Swing Dancing

You are easy going and fun loving. You are at your best when you're with a group of friends.

You admit to being a bit nostalgic. You miss when things were simpler, even if you weren't around to see it.

You are playful and open to new experiences. You love to learn new dance steps.

You love life, and you love to celebrate. You can dance the night away.



Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Paris Test

You Are Energetic

Some people may consider you to be too shy, but you are simply thoughtful.

You are a naturally creative person. You are always looking for your next inspiration.

You value relationships, but they aren't always your first priority. You are often too busy for some friends.

Expression and art recharge you. You feel best when you are able to make something.

yea true

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Friday, May 14, 2010

What Card Game Are You?

You Are Bridge

You are a thoughtful and conscientious person. In fact, you're a bit of a brainiac.

You get a real thrill from mastering difficult tasks. You get bored if you aren't being challenged.

You are competitive, but you aren't a sore loser. You take a rational approach to competition.

You work hard, and you're persistent. You don't expect to be a natural at anything.

nah I like easy fun games, I don't wanna use my brain


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are You a Thumbs Up or a Thumbs Down?

You Are a Thumbs Up

You have an upbeat and positive attitude. You really see the beauty in life.

You'll say yes to any opportunity that seems even slightly interesting.

You are in love with the world, and you really savor an adventure.

You inspire others to be more fun loving. Your happiness is unstoppable.

more like sideways


How Active is Your Imagination?

You Have an Active Imagination

Your mind is churning and producing new thoughts all the time. You are definitely good at imagining.

You can visualize events pretty easily, and you're not bad at thinking up new ideas.

Believe it or not, you could be a bit more imaginative. All you have to do is give yourself permission.

Spend a few minutes each day daydreaming. It's good for you, and who knows what might come of it?

and then what...


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Australian Animal Are You?

You Are a Koala Bear

You are living proof that appearances can be deceiving. You are not as cute and cuddly as you look.

You have endless compassion for those you love, but you also don't like to be messed with!

You may move a bit slowly, but you make up for your slowness by being clever.

You've lived long enough to know that you should do your best to stay out of harm's way.

sounds accurate


Monday, May 10, 2010

What's Your Greek Name?

Your Name is Timothea Leora Apostolopoulos

Flatter the sea, but stand on earth when you do so.


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Sunday, May 09, 2010

The Poppy Test

You Are Practical

You have your feet firmly planted on the ground, and you are very sensible.

You always seem to know what to do, and if not, you can sort things out on a long walk.

You are like comfort food for the soul. You set your friends (and even strangers) at ease.

You take extra good care of yourself, and because of this, you have a lot to give back to those you love.

that's me


Saturday, May 08, 2010

Are You Adventurous?

You Are Not Adventurous

The thrills that other people seek don't really hold much appeal for you. Bungee jumping? Skydiving? No thanks!

You prefer to stay with what's tried and true. There's a reason why you love your old favorites so much.

And while you aren't typically adventurous, you're probably adventurous in ways that go unnoticed.

Maybe you read voraciously - or watch a lot of independent films. You get your thrills in a more peaceful, sustainable way.

no high jumps for me!


What's Your Life's Challenge?

Your Life's Challenge is Being Fickle

The whole world is open to you. You are a smart person with many resources and opportunities.

You've lucked out a lot in life. Things always seem to go your way, and you've had many successes.

You may be surprised to learn that you are standing in the way of more success by being a bit too irresponsible and flaky.

If you stuck to things a bit longer, you would rule the world. You have much more in you than you even realize.

don't I know

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Are You Warm or Cool?

You Are a Cool Person

You are calm and collected. You don't make much of a fuss - in fact, no one can tell when you're excited.

You are not very emotive and expressive. You tend to temper any feelings with logic and rationality.

You are steady and consistent. You are a person of your word, and you like to keep to a schedule.

Your energy tends to be at the same level throughout the day. You know how to pace yourself.

lol that's usually the first word I use to describe myself


Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Which of the Ten Commandments Are You?

You Are "Thou Shalt Not Covet"

You believe that people are too materialistic and too envious these days.

No matter what, the person who ends up with the most toys still dies.

You think it's important to deal with your own life and spiritual path - not how you stack up against your neighbor.

Comparing yourself to others always brings problems. You try bring your focus inward.



Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Happy Smiley Test

You Are Positive

You are the likable type. It would be hard not to like someone as sunny and upbeat as you!

You are actively engaged in the world around you. You don't stray too far from your friends.

You try to make every moment fun, and you refuse to let life get you down. You savor a good chuckle.

You are attracted to people who are excited about life. You like to surround yourself with joy.

I need new friends for more chuckles

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What Kind of Love Are You In?

Your Are in Ludic Love

People have accused you of being a player, and there's a lot of truth to that. You see love as a game.

You prefer casual relationships. As long as you're having fun, you'll stay - but no longer than that.

You tend to see marriage and commitment as a trap. You don't want anyone to be dependent on you.

You seek out short term affairs with "no strings attached." You get a thrill from playing the field.



What's Your Roller Derby Name?

Your Roller Derby Name is Babe Ruthless

Whip it!



What's Your Personality Like?

You Are the Funny One

You have a flamboyant personality, and part of that is being a natural comic.

You are very observant, and you always have a joke ready for every person and occasion.

You don't hesitate to point out when a situation is uncomfortable, and you are awesome at breaking the ice.

Your sarcasm doesn't play well with every type of person, but your friends get and appreciate you.



Are You Easily Disgusted?

You Are Disgusted Sometimes

You have a fairly thick skin. Something has to be truly revolting before it grosses you out.

You probably weren't always this way, but you've learned how to toughen up. Good for you!

It's fine to be disgusted by totally disgusting stuff. And you know better than to gross anyone out yourself.

Given enough time, you can get used to the most nauseating of situations. You can develop an iron stomach.

that picture disgusts me

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The Retro Pattern Test

You Are Exuberant

You are an open and optimistic person. You always look forward to the future.

You are truly happy, but it's only because you feel so blessed in your life.

You are friendly and kind. You are easy on people, and you hope that they're easy on you in return.

You are just jazzed to be alive. You are thankful for every day that is given to you.

I am?


How Do You Feel About the World?

You Are Indifferent Toward the World

You tend to be a rather selfish person. It's all about you.

You are blind to a lot of the problems going on in the world.

It would benefit you to be a more caring person. You'd be happier and probably even live longer.

Pick an issue or two that is near and dear to your heart. Get involved. We're all on the same planet here!

:/ I'm not stressing myself out with the world's problems

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What Color House Should You Live In?

You Should Live in a Red House

You are adventurous and have a passion for life. You want to explore new places.

You crave love and ever lasting romance. You want to deepen your intense feelings for another person.

You don't worry about what others think of you. You are who you are, and you've given up trying to be someone else.

You are quite persuasive. You know how to get your way whenever you want to... and you often want to!

Who's paying?

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The Breakfast Test

You Are A Childlike Breakfast

You are a very easy going person, so easy going, in fact, that you've been accused of being a bit lazy.

Other people are just jealous. We'd all like to be hanging out in our pj's eating cereal until noon!

You are quite positive, and you do your best to keep your outlook sunny. You are pleased with the world.

You just feel grateful to live the life you have, so you're not about to complain!


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What's Your Jane Austen Inspired Name?

Your Name is Lady Marianne O'Brien

How quick come the reasons for approving what we like! - Jane Austen

yea ok
