Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Cafe Test

You Are Expressive

During your downtime, you like to develop ideas and work on creative projects.

You secretly wish that you could be a more successful person. Being rich is a dream of yours.

You get easily annoyed by the world and other people. You wish people would be more responsible and conscientious.

You are inspired by a mismatch of things. You never know what is going to get you thinking, and your mind tends to be racing.


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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What's Your Roman Name?

Your Roman Name is Quinta Tarpeius Cilo

Veni, vidi, vici!



Monday, March 29, 2010

Are You Earth, Fire, or Air?

You Are Air

You are a quirky, flighty, and zany person. You change with the wind.

You are highly creative and often inspired. You love to be spontaneous and hate restrictions.

You have a yearning for travel and adventure. You want to have a wild and crazy life.

You actually feel a bit more balanced when there is structure and stability in your life, but you avoid it.

uh, alright.


What Flavor Are Your Kisses?

You Are a Cherry Flavored Kiss

You consider yourself an expert kisser, and you try to kiss perfectly.

You feel like you have the technique down, and you take kissing very seriously.

You are always making sure your partner is comfortable and having fun. You're quite considerate.

You don't kiss and tell, yet somehow you've got a great reputation for your kissing skills.

well....lol I don't like to brag or anything...

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

What's Your Shopping Stereotype?

Your Shopping Stereotype is Balanced

Unlike most people, you don't really obsess over shopping. It's a chore, just like any other.

You crave a simple, stress free experience when you go shopping. Convenience is very important to you.

You tend to know what you want, and you're willing to pay to get it quickly. You probably enjoy shopping online.

You enjoy taking time to pick out what you want, but once you're ready to buy, you don't want to drag out the process.

if u don't speak I am not buying!


Friday, March 26, 2010

What Breed of Horse Are You?

You Are an Appaloosa Horse

You are extremely independent and even a little stubborn. You always do your own thing.

You have an amazing endurance, and you can soldier on through almost anything. You're one tough cookie.

You are quite intelligent and resourceful. You enjoy solving problems, and you've definitely got some street smarts.

You work hard and never give up. You are loyal and reliable... you always get the job done.



Thursday, March 25, 2010

What's Your Heavenly Name?

Your Name is Lacerta Nova

Simply heavenly!



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What Bake Sale Favorite Are You?

You Are Brownies

You are outgoing and friendly. You don't let yourself stress too much - there's too much life to be enjoyed!

You are easy on yourself and those around you. Even if you eat the whole pan of brownies, it's really not a big deal.

Your friends can always count on you for a smile or a laugh. You rarely judge or criticize.

You are sweet because you realize not everyone's perfect. You don't try to be perfect, and you love yourself even more for it.

LOVE brownies


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Scribble Circle Test

You Are Insightful

Of all of the types, you are the most knowledgeable and perceptive. You are extremely observant.

You thrive when you are able to study things carefully. You need to take your time and develop theories.

Some people say you are a bit eccentric and detached, and it is true that you are most comfortable in your own little world.

You do your best to live an innovative and profound life. Wisdom is all you seek - simple as that.



Monday, March 22, 2010

The T-Shirt Test

Your T-Shirt Says You're Creative

You're artistic and quite sensitive. You care a lot about the world, and it's likely that you have many causes.

You believe it's important to do the right thing, even if no one else is doing the right thing.

You value harmony. You try to get along with and reform your enemies. You don't think any person is beyond help or hope.

You are a very spiritual person, but you're never overly serious about it. If anything, you have an irreverent sense of humor.


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What Part of Speech Are You?

You Are a Conjunction

You are a deep thinker, and you're always looking for the connections between things.

You see the whole big picture as far as the world goes. You are good at developing intricate theories.

In your view, we are all interconnected. The little things we do effect one another, and the results are pretty interesting.

You tend to be a mix and match type of person. You like unusual pairings - in food, style, and in company.

I do! Good one!

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Birthday Cake Test

You Are Cheerful and Colorful

No matter what the occasion, you feel like celebrating. It's always time for cake, and it's always time for a party.

You are a true entertainer. You love to bring a large crowd together - the bigger the bash, the better!

You indulge in every little treat or reward that comes your way. You don't believe in restraint or guilt.

Your taste can be a bit decadent, but you also remember that you only live once. You don't skip or scrimp on dessert.

this cake looks so damn good, but I love my chocolate too

You Are Outrageous and Optimistic

You are the type of person who lives life to the fullest. You believe in going big or going home.

You aren't shy about what you want, and you aren't afraid to get it either. You really go for it!

You have a bold personality, and you tend to be attracted to anything or anyone who is over the top.

You are open minded, and you have eclectic taste. You truly can appreciate all the flavors of the world.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

How Do You Persuade People?

You Persuade People Through Logic

You feel like facts should be enough to persuade people, and you always focus on making a reasonable argument.

You never appeal to emotion - you feel like it's beneath you. You are much more concerned with evidence.

Once someone is convinced of the facts, you show them the logical steps to reach your conclusion.

You rather have someone totally convinced and persuaded than not, even if it is a lot of work.



What Alice in Wonderland Character Are You?

You Are the Mad Hatter

You are zany, kooky, and frankly, a little crazy. Others suspect that you're not all there.

Crazy or not, you know how to have a good time. You are passionate about the things and people you love.

You are emotional, over the top, and unpredictable. People can't help but love you, even if they're a little scared of you.

You are impulsive and driven by your gut reactions. You have no problem saying what you think or feeling how you feel.

hmm I suppose


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Type of Beer Are You?

You Are a Microbrew

You are independent and adventurous. You're always up for trying something new, and you like to support independent businesses whenever possible.

You are creative and curious. Of all the types, you are the most likely to try to brew your own beer.

You are open-minded and eager to experience as much as possible in this world. You are an avid traveler.

You are socially conscious and aware. You try to buy green and buy local whenever possible.

Shiner please!


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What's Your Ism?

You Are Absurdism

You just have to shake your head and laugh at the world. Everything is so crazy and absurd.

You don't try to make sense of much, because you don't think there is much to make sense of.

You kick back and try to enjoy the chaos. You'll only make yourself crazy if you try to find meaning in things.

Life is random, confusing, and one heck of a wild ride. Anything that makes sense is pure coincidence.


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Monday, March 15, 2010

What Should Your Middle Name Be?

Your New Name Should Be Danielle May

Just like the month: beautiful and hopeful. Awwww!

I'll stick with my real middle name


Sunday, March 14, 2010

What Part of a Fairy Tale Are You?

You Are the Fairy

You are charming, cheerful, and a little bit magical. You make other people's lives better.

You are a bit eccentric at times, but you truly care about people in your own way.

You are hyper and restless. It drives you crazy to sit still, and you are usually the first to leave any event.

You are unpredictable and flighty. No one can guess what you'll be up to next ... or where you'll be!

hmmm idk bout that


Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Should You Say in French?

You Should Say "Magnifique"

If you were to visit Paris, you'd be inspired by the art and the fashion. Everything would seem "magnifique" to you.

You would enjoy just exploring all of the side streets and little shops. You would love finding quirky, hidden treasures.

Paris might inspire you to revamp your style or possibly even become an artist yourself.

No matter what, you'd be likely to come back with a huge suitcase packed full of the "magnifique" items you found!

How do you say sponsor?


Friday, March 12, 2010

What Kind of 'Er' Are You?

You Are a Talker

You are a naturally outgoing and friendly person. People interest you, and you love making new friends.

You are a very open minded and enthusiastic person. You see the best in others, and you're always rooting for them.

You always have something to talk about. You ask a lot of interesting questions, and you know how to tell a good story.

You are the least socially awkward person you know, and you can make the best of a weird situation. You have an amazing sense of humor.

totally untrue! I HATE talking


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Do You Have a Trustworthy Face?

Your Face is Untrustworthy

It's not your fault, but there's something about your face that people just don't trust. It's frustrating.

You have to work harder than the average person to get respect. And once people know you, they realize that they've misjudged you.

While you can't (or at least shouldn't) change your face, you can change how people perceive you.

Smile a little more. Try to relax your facial muscles whenever possible. It will make a difference.

maybe I don't like smiling


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Finger Puppet Test

You Are Intelligent

You are a very stubborn and headstrong person. You know you are capable, and you never doubt your decisions.

You resent authority and being told what to do. In most cases you know best anyway.

You are constantly underestimated and misunderstood in your life. People don't understand how great you are.

You don't mind if your greatness goes unrecognized though. You know your own value, and that's good enough for you!



Tuesday, March 09, 2010

What Kind of Relationship Are You In?

You Are in an Infatuation Relationship

Your relationship definitely has a lot of fire, but there isn't much to it besides the passion

If you're just starting out, then this is normal. It takes a while to build true intimacy and commitment.

But if you've been together for a while, you definitely should not be getting this result.

Any long term couple in the infatuation stage may have little in common outside of the bedroom.

had to let that go


Monday, March 08, 2010

What Fast Food Restaurant Are You?

You Are Wendy's

There's something old school and quaint about you. You appreciate quality and like doing things the right way.

You are down to earth and practical. You want a meal that's filling and tasty... nothing more.

It's likely that your taste and habits haven't changed much over the years. Why mess with what's working?

You are calm and easily satisfied. You find a lot to be happy with in life, and you are truly content.

I love Wendy's!


Sunday, March 07, 2010

What Safari Animal Are You?

You Are a Giraffe

You are a down to earth and realistic creature. You are able to take the long view on things.

You worry more than most people. You tend to see what's coming before anyone else does.

You are very quiet and reserved. You prefer being an observer to being the center of attention.

You enjoy routine. You need structure in your life to feel truly happy and relaxed.

yea but I can go with the flow also


Saturday, March 06, 2010

How Entitled Do You Feel?

You Don't Feel Entitled

You don't think you're better than anyone else in this world, and you certainly don't feel like you deserve special treatment.

And to be honest, it really drives you crazy when people think they are entitled to breaks and favors.

You believe in taking your responsibilities seriously and working your hardest.

And those habits have gotten you far. You get back what you put in, and that's enough to make you happy.



Friday, March 05, 2010

Which Heavenly Virtue Are You?

You Are Chastity

Well aren't you virtuous? You take moral values more seriously than almost anyone else you know.

And part of those values are staying pure. No need to explain that one. You know what it means.

You avoid situations that could get you in trouble. You know that you need to stay away from temptation.

It is difficult to be chaste in today's world, but you think it's more than worth it to stay the course.



Thursday, March 04, 2010

What Advanced Degree Should You Get?

You Should Get an MBA (Masters of Business Administration)

You're a self starter with a drive for success.

You'd make a great entrepreneur.

Today I got MBA in 06 I got MFA lol


The Baby Animal Test

You Are Sophisticated and Aloof

You're the type of person who actually enjoys keeping people guessing. You like being a mystery.

Other people find you to be a little intimidating. You are hard to get to know.

To be honest, you've never cared about what other people think of you. Their approval will never make you happy.

People do talk about you behind your back, and you're good with that. It's the price you pay for being flamboyant!

even baby animals feel me

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

What Hobby Are You?

You Are Photography

You are a very observant person. You can't tune out the world around you, so you pay careful attention to it.

You prefer to be the one who blends into the scenery, so that you can totally appreciate the scenery.

You tend to see things that other people miss. You have an artist's eye. You can turn anything into art.

Photography is the perfect hobby for you because you can just hang back, watch, and create.

I took up photography once upon a time


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

What Kind of Makeup Are You?

You Are Blush

You are demure and understated. You like to look good, but you don't like to make a fuss about it.

You prefer a natural look, and you don't like to seem like you put too much effort into your style.

You prefer classic pieces and a minimal beauty routine. You feel like you are able to be confident without a lot of make up.

You believe that beauty is skin deep. Nothing is as beautiful as the glow you get from being happy.

something I don't wear


Monday, March 01, 2010

What Major Human Emotion Are You?

You Are Anger

You may not feel like an angry person, but you have a lot to be furious about in your life.

It's likely that you've suffered some great injustices, humiliations, and / or betrayals.

There's nothing wrong with feeling the way you feel, but your anger needs a more healthy outlet.

Instead of being bitter get proactive. Instead of hating, learn to love something in your life. Anger is a difficult emotion to deal with.

phony ass people
