What Type of Poem Are You?
You Are Free Verse |
![]() Inspired, devoted to the pure expression of yourself without any constrictions. Rhymes bind. Grammar kills. |
idk I kinda like the rhyming part
My Blogthings Quiz Results
You Are Free Verse |
![]() Inspired, devoted to the pure expression of yourself without any constrictions. Rhymes bind. Grammar kills. |
Your Ideas Are Blue |
![]() When you think, you tend to have very detailed, well thought out ideas. You take your time with your thoughts. You are a deep thinker who likes to explore every possibility. Your ideas tend to be very innovative and perceptive. It's amazing what your mind can come up with. Your mind is energetic and alert. You are "always on" and thinking of new things. It's hard for you to relax. |
You Are Chocolate Truffles |
![]() You are unpredictable and even a little zany. No one knows what to expect when you're around. You have a short attention span and need a lot of variety in your life. You are easily addicted to the things that you love. It's hard for you to only eat one chocolate from the box. |
Labels: Food
You Are Aggressive |
![]() Your anger and cynicism have morphed into something more extreme: aggression. You find it easy to be annoyed, and it's almost as easy for you to lose your temper. While it does feel good to get out a little low level anger now and then, aggression can be dangerous. If you can't control your temper, you could end up hurting yourself or someone else. Be careful! |
You Are Energetic and Unpredictable |
![]() You're the type of person who likes to stay active, especially physically active. You have an adventurous spirit, and you feel like you have to do as much as possible in order to understand the world. You crave novelty and variety. You like traveling to new places, meeting new people, and trying new things. You try not to over think much in life. You feel like indecisiveness is a waste of time. |
Labels: Name
You Are Listening to Christmas Music |
![]() You are a sentimental and emotional person during the holidays. It is important to you to celebrate your favorite traditions and relive old memories. You find it easy to get into the holiday spirit. All it usually takes is hearing that first Christmas song on the radio. You're the type of person who listens to holiday music as much as you can. It always makes you smile a little more |
Labels: Christmas
You Are Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer |
![]() You are a natural leader, though sometimes you are reluctant to step up to a leadership role. You see the world more clearly than most people, and often, you are the only one who can guide others. People may doubt your talents at first. You tend to be underrated and underappreciated. But once others see what you are truly capable of, they feel like fools for ever having doubted you. |
Labels: Christmas
You Are Christmas Day |
![]() You are a kid at heart. You are easily delighted, and it's hard for you to wait for the good things in life. A present or two always brightens your mood, and you love being surprised. You are a very energetic and impatient person. You spend many weeks dreaming of Christmas morning. You are easily contented. It doesn't take much to make you feel warm, cozy, and happy. |
Labels: Christmas
You Are Red |
![]() You are a passionate, outgoing, and intense person. You are naturally joyful. However, you tend to be quite intense, and your temper is easy to spark. You are confident and a real go-getter. You don’t fear or expect failure. You are a very lucky person. You are destined to be prosperous – if you aren’t already. |
Your Holiday Personality is Outgoing |
![]() The holidays give you a chance to stay busy and have fun with your friends. You love each and every holiday activity. You are a truly social creature, and other people make the holidays special for you. Whether you're out caroling, ice skating, partying, or shopping, you love being part of a festive crowd. You are always up for holiday cheer, but you also make sure to take time to help those in need. |
Labels: Christmas
You Are Blissfully Content |
![]() During the holidays, you have a lot to be thankful for. And even if you are having a hard time, you do your best to express gratitude. You are a glass half full type of person. You try to see life as a gift. You believe that it's important to stay positive and peaceful. Not just for your own mental health, but for also for the mental health of those around you. The gift of optimism is the best thing you could possibly give. And you give it well. |
Your Holiday Wish is Being with Family and Friends |
![]() The holidays are near and dear to your heart. You don't need much to make you happy this time of year. As long as you're able to be near the people you love most, you are content. It's really that simple. You want nothing more than a full house of people celebrating the season. It doesn't matter if it's your house or not, just as long as everyone is there. And if someone doesn't happen to be around during the holidays, you think about him or her often. You get very sentimental this time of year. |
Labels: Christmas
You Would Be a Conventional Santa |
![]() Truth be told, you're pretty happy with Santa and Christmas as they are. Why mess with a good thing? Traditions are traditions for a reason. And you're happy to participate in all of them. You even believe in Santa a little. You think that old fashioned holidays with old time values are nice. It's all about family and togetherness. You think that too much commercialism and greed are naughty. It breaks your heart when the holidays bring out the worst in people. |
You Are a Traditional Christmas Card |
![]() You think the holidays have gotten a little out of control. You wish you could hold on to the way things used to be. The holidays are a little too commercial for your tastes. It's like everyone forgot the true meaning of the season. You try to recreate past holidays as much as possibly by embracing their traditions. For you this means sending out hand addressed and sign cards. The people you send cards to may not take the time to send a card back, but you're happy just to show them you care. |
Labels: Christmas
You Like the Holidays |
![]() You definitely have a good time during the holidays, but you aren't obsessed with them or anything. You shop for a few presents and participate in a few traditions... but that's it! You may be accused of being a grinch, but you're simply not a fanatic about holiday traditions - especially commercial ones. You get into the spirit of the season by being kind, compassionate, and not clogging up the stores! |
Labels: Christmas
You Are An Elf |
![]() While you love to work, you also love to play. You have a naughty side to you! You love pulling pranks and teasing people. You always seem to be getting into some sort of trouble. People can rely on you to be industrious and responsible... but you're going to have fun while you're getting stuff done. |
Labels: Christmas
You Are a Dove |
![]() You believe that it's important to keep the peace. There's too much fighting in the world these days. You understand why conflict happens, but more importantly, you understand its effects. You know that you can't bring about world peace. However, you do believe that all of your actions have consequences. You try to do your part by being compassionate and seeing both sides of things. Whenever possible, you try to mediate disputes. |
Labels: Random
Your Soul's Urge is Love |
![]() You feel connected to the world around you, and you love interacting with people. You believe that companionship is an important part of life, and you try to have as many friends as possible. You are the best friend that anyone could ask for. You are kind, sensitive, considerate, and loyal. You find it easy to grow close to people, and you are emotionally effected by those around you. You are very empathetic. |
Labels: Me
You Have a Content Heart |
![]() Your heart doesn't crave much. It doesn't take much to make your heart happy. You may or may not have found love, but either way, your heart is at peace. If your heart has been broken, you are over it. Your heart has no scars. Your heart is open to anything. You have a lot of love to give to the world. |
You Have an Idealistic Heart |
![]() Your heart craves true love. You may wait a long time for it, but you're willing to wait. You have an idea of what love should be like, and you're not about to settle. You want your heart to be genuinely happy. It's likely that your heart has been broken quite a bit. Your heart is easily disappointed. It takes a long time for your heart to heal. You never forget the wounds that have been inflicted on it. |
Labels: Test
You Are the Car |
![]() You live your life in top gear. You aren't afraid to go fast, and you actually do best at high speeds. You act on instinct, and you make decisions in a split second. Your first reaction is usually right. You are impulsive and bold. You love to make risky moves, and you never turn down a chance to roll the dice. You get impatient easily, and you're often waiting on those around you. You hate to be slowed down by anyone! |
Labels: Random
March Says That You're Charming |
![]() You are an optimistic and hopeful person. People are drawn to your "glass half full" outlook. You have a way with words, and you are good at persuading others. You are quite influential. You are socially oriented, and you are comfortable in groups of all sizes. You don't have any problem leading a conversation. You find joy in every aspect of life. You always look for the best in every situation... you know it's there somewhere! |
You Are Cheddar Cheese |
![]() You are naturally popular and well liked. You are able to hang with almost any crowd. You are sharp and on top of things. No one would ever describe you as dull. You're the type of person who is invited to every party. You fit right in, and you always add something a little special to the mix. You are a tough cookie, but you're also quick to melt once you are triggered by the right circumstances. |
Labels: Food
You Are Creative and Clever |
![]() You have an eye for beauty and design. You are talented at bringing various random elements together. Even if you aren't an artist, you have a lot of style. You are naturally chic, and you know how to turn heads. And while you are an imaginative type, you are definitely not messy or chaotic. You like things neatly organized. You are a minimalist - you think too much gets lost in clutter. |
You Are Easy Going and Optimistic |
![]() You are a very happy-go-lucky person, but it would be inaccurate to say you don't have a care in the world. You actually have many people, ideas, and causes you care about. You're happy because you are proactively working to make things better. You are a naturally giving person, and you are as generous as you can be with your time and resources. You feel blessed to be able to help others. It's your passion and your calling. |
You Don't Talk Too Much |
![]() You have mastered the art of conversation. You understand that listening is as important as talking. Like anyone else, you think that the things you have to say are important and interesting. You just know that not everyone is interested in hearing them. You wait your turn, speak your piece, and quickly turn the conversation back to your partner. You may choose your words carefully, but people consider you to be more of a brilliant conversationalist than some chatty know-it-all! |
Labels: Me
You Are Astronomy |
![]() This world is not enough for you... literally. You can't help but wonder about what else is out there. You're the type of person who believes that anything is possible, and you'd like to prove it. You are also quite philosophical. You spend a lot of time wondering about our place in the world, how the universe was started, and what the future holds. You may not ever get all the answers you seek, and that's fine with you. Questioning is part of the journey. |
Labels: Random
Your Fashion City is Paris |
![]() You always look amazing, but you never look like you put too much effort in to it. And you probably didn't! You believe that fashion is all about classic looks, and you shun all silly trends. You appreciate finer quality items, but you would never have anything with a huge label on it. That's just tacky. You never want your look to seem like it was bought in a store. You always have something in your closet to make your outfit uniquely you. |
You Have an Inspired First Name |
![]() You are a highly original and naturally creative person. You are always thinking outside the box. You have an adventurous spirit and you are extremely energetic. If you love something, it's easy for you to stay motivated. You have your own unique take on the world. Your views are both independent and progressive. You aren't shy about living a bold and interesting life. You are a bit stubborn and headstrong when it comes to what you believe in. |
Your Strength: Courage. Your Weakness: Arrogance. |
![]() You have an extreme amount of willpower. You are an naturally tough and self-reliant person. You are very independent, and you have many original thoughts. You are good at taking initiative and leading others. Understandably, you are also very stubborn. You have a big ego and always insist on doing things your way. It is sometimes hard to see where you are wrong. You don't appreciate criticism, and you are susceptible to false pride. |
Labels: Me
You Are a Peanut Butter Brownie |
![]() You are a decadent person who loves to treat yourself. No indulgence is too great for you. You are easily comforted by your favorite foods, movies, and music. You feel content with your life. You get along well with other people, even if you all have strong personalities. You are very cooperative. You are a homebody. You like to feel cozy, even when you're not at home. You prefer comfortable restaurants to fancy ones. |
Labels: Food
You Are Spanish |
![]() You are fairly popular and well understood. And you're only getting more and more popular as time goes on. You have an appreciation for history, but you also look toward the future. You are easy going and not uptight at all. You tend to say things simply and quickly. You like to get your point across without being too flowery about it. But when you need to, you can bust out some pretty impressive wordplay. You are just as beautiful as all the other languages. |
You Are a Fifty Dollar Bill |
![]() You're a bit rare these days, though people are aware of your existence. You are pretty powerful. You might not have what it takes to roll with the common twenties or the hoity-toity hundreds, but you have your own little niche going on. You like the finer things in life, but you also know how to keep your spending in check. You are the master of discount luxury. You like to pamper yourself, but you never go overboard. Some may consider you a big spender, but you know bigger spenders! |
Labels: Random