Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Saturday, October 24, 2009

What Kind of Horror Movie Are You?

You Are a Serial Killer Movie

You find the evil of other people to be fascinating, and you are obsessed with the twisted minds of serial killers.

Forget the devil, vampires, or random monsters... no one is capable of as much terror as a human is.

You love the psychological drama and mystery that comes with serial killer films. Being scared is just not enough for you!

You like films that explore the sick killings of a murderer... the sicker the better. You go for movies like Silence of the Lambs, American Psycho, and Zodiac.

:( I guess Seven could be included in that, I do want to see Zodiac


Are You Spooky or Kooky?

You Are Kooky

You are all about sweet treats on Halloween. You don't mind if people get a little scared, but no one should get PTSD from a haunted house!

You believe that Halloween should be about fun not fight. You love to dress up in an amazing costume and go out to show it off.

You've even been known to take in a scary movie or haunted house, but only if it's well done and not too freaky. You'll pass on anything too gruesome.

Your favorite thing about Halloween is watching the tiniest kids have fun. Looking at them makes you feel a little bit younger too!

I'll be glad when ppl (girls) go back to scary not sexy costumes :/


What Should Your Pet Be for Halloween?

Your Pet Should Be a Human For Halloween

Your pet tends to act just like a human. In fact, your pet probably thinks he or she is human!

Your pet is content to stay inside, be close to you, and if possible, do whatever you're doing.

It's likely your pet is an only pet and hasn't had much socialization with other animals.

Or maybe your pet is just simply super intelligent and knows that the human way of life is best.

I kinda want a cat

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What Animal Should You Dress Up As?

You Should Dress Up As a Chicken

You are a bit nervous and skittish. You tend to like to stick to your flock.

You are a creature of habit and need a routine to function properly. Big changes leave you feeling paralyzed.

While you depend on those closest to you, you don't like to be smothered. You need your space.

If you don't have enough room to do your own thing, you become grumpy and apt to pick fights.

dang that's me


The Candy Apple Test

You Are Kooky and Crazy

You're the type of person to wear a laugh out loud hilarious costume, even if it's a bit embarrassing to be seen in.

You are a total nut every day of the year, and Halloween gives you an excuse to be extra nutty.

Your favorite Halloween celebration is full of twists, turns, and surprises. The night isn't complete until you get scared out of your mind.

You may not be the most superstitious person, but you do think that all the freaks come out on Halloween... and you love it!

nutty? nah

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's Your Autumn Sense?

Your Autumn Sense is Taste

It's pretty simple... you love fall because it's the most delicious time of the year.

From Halloween candy to Thanksgiving leftovers, there's always a culinary treat right around the corner for you.

You also enjoy the smaller seasonal foods of fall - a pumpkin latte, apple crisp, or butternut squash soup.

You wait all year for your fall food favorites to return, and you're going to savor every single one of them!

more like ham, sweet potato pie, broccoli rice n cheese, mac n cheese, turkey, greens, gumbo

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What's Your City?

Your City is Moscow

You are fast moving and quick changing. You aren't exactly sure who you are right now or who you'll end up being.

You have a rich, complicated past, and an exotic appeal that takes a person's breath away.

You are naturally stylish and classy, even if it's a bit of an illusion. You crave true wealth, power, and glamour.

You love adventure and risk. You are a natural gambler and charmer. You are often very lucky, but sometimes your luck does run out.

never would have picked that one


What's Your Best Trait?

Your Best Trait is Friendliness

You enjoy the company of others, whether you're at work or at play.

You believe that almost everyone has something to contribute to this world, and you treat people with courtesy and respect.

You're a natural extrovert, and you have a dazzling charm that is not easily forgotten. You are good at building rapport.

You're the type of person who can meet a stranger and feel like you've bee friends for years after a few minutes.

absolutely not!


What Kind of Chinese Food Are You?

You Are Beef and Broccoli

You are a smart, no nonsense type of person. You are very low maintenance compared to most people.

You are often thinking of everyone else but yourself. You feel the most comfortable when you are putting yourself last.

You tend to order quickly yet carefully from the menu of life. You don't have a lot of time to agonize over decisions.

By doing the best you can in each moment, you've done pretty well in life. People truly respect and admire you.

my favorite!!


What's Your British Name?

Your British Name Is Darcy Olivia

Bloody brilliant!

:/ I like Olivia


What Tetris Block Are You?

You Are the "T" Block

You are very flexible and adaptable. You're able to fill almost any role or do almost any job.

You are peaceful and calm. In fact, you're so tranquil that people often forget you're around.

You prefer to leave the drama to other people. That being said, you sometimes end up cleaning up someone else's mess.

You don't mind doing the dirty work every so often. You're a true team player, and you're always happy to contribute.

I used to be so amazing at tetris!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What Email Function Are You?

You Are Delete

You are busy, no nonsense, and super productive. You don't have time for distractions in your life.

If something bothers you or upsets you, you try to get it out of your mind as quickly as possible.

You've been known for dropping conversations, friends, and even jobs that are toxic to you. You have no problem letting go.

You look to the future and don't hold on to the past. In your opinion, the past often ties you down... and you'd like to be as free as possible.

true, don't like things clogging up my space! lol


What Autumn Drink Are You?

You Are a Pumpkin Latte

You are a total homebody. You love the fall because it gives you an excuse to stay home a little more often and be cozy.

Fall is your favorite time to cook a pie, read a good book, or watch your favorite movie.

You're the type who prefers handing out candy at Halloween and hosting Thanksgiving at your place.

You have a lot of different autumn activities, and they all take place inside the comfort of your home.

yall not comin over here!!

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Monday, October 12, 2009

What Michael Jackson Song Are You?

You Are "The Way You Make Me Feel"

You are hopeful and romantic. You're always falling for someone, and you can help but tell the world about your latest infatuation.

You are the type of person who is easily inspired by love. You have a lot of muses.

Even if a relationship doesn't pan out, you don't mind too much. You're much more in love with falling in love than being in love.

And while you may be able to commit, it doesn't keep you from looking. Someone is always turning your head.

I love it!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Are You An iPhone or a Blackberry?

You Are a Blackberry

You are one of those super hard working, cellphone to your hip types.

You like gadgets that do what they're supposed to do, especially when they keep you super connected to the world.

You prefer function over flash, so things like a long battery life and easy features appeal to you.

You may not look as cool as all of the iPhone kids, but you're probably being more productive than all of them!

Wow I'm surprised, I have a blackberry and an iTouch and I like both, I really want the iPhone....


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Are You Silver or Gold?

You Are Silver

You are down to earth and unpretentious. You don't feel like you need to show off, and you're very secure with your place in the world.

You are understated and elegant. You carry yourself with poise, and you're more known for what you don't do than what you do.

You can fit in anywhere from a country western bar to a black tie gala. You are adaptable and adventurous.

You are blind to social class and background. You see people as who they are ... not as where they came from or how much money they have.



Friday, October 09, 2009

What Kind of Facial Hair Are You?

You Are a Mustache

You are eccentric and even a bit of a weirdo. You are a bit out of step with the mainstream, and you honestly don't care.

You have cultivated some unusual interests and practices. And you definitely have a sense of personal style that's highly unique.

You have a bizarre sense of humor. No one ever really gets when you are joking, and you tend to laugh at things that other people don't find funny.

You approach the world with sincerity. The problem is, no one else understands that you're being genuine.

well fuck em!


What Continent Are You?

You Are Antarctica

You are tough, adventurous, and a survivor. You don't let your fears ever hold you back.

You like to challenge yourself in all arenas. You want to see the world and make new discoveries.

People seem you as distant and even cold... and you admit that this can be true at times.

Your own dreams and thoughts are so interesting that they make most other people seem very dull.

most people are dull


Pumpkin Treat Are You?

You Are Pumpkin Cheesecake

You are sweet and smooth. You charm people without even trying to, and you leave a lasting impression.

You seem rich and sophisticated yet down to earth. Most people feel immediately comfortable around you.

With each new season, you look forward to revamping yourself and upgrading your style. And autumn is no exception.

You love to step out of your house in a nice new coat and scarf. Maybe read a new book. Try a new restaurant. It's all about change.

sounds nasty....

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The Eye Test

Deep Down You Are Intuitive

You're the type of person who understands other people and the world very well. You don't let on to how much you know.

You can tell so much from someone's facial expressions or tone of voice. And you always know when you're being lied to.

You show the world exactly what you want to show. Besides being good at reading people, you also know how you're being read.

You know when you're being manipulated, and you know how to manipulate someone if you have to. You usually don't resort to it though!



Thursday, October 01, 2009

What's Your Southern Name?

Your Southern Name Is Eunice Lily

Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit!

eww I do like biscuits though
