Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Thursday, April 30, 2009

What Flavor Smoothie Are You?

You Are a Banana Smoothie

You are friendly and popular without even trying to be. People just like you.

You are easy to be around and never offend everyone. You're quite mild.

You have a warm demeanor, and many people find you to be inviting.

You are sympathetic and kind. You have a soft spot in your heart for everyone.

add some strawberries


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Rose Test

You Believe that Love is Admiration

When you think of love, you think of being with the person you cherish the most.

In love, you see things how they could be. You are wrapped up in your own dreams.

If you are in love, you want the whole world to know it. You don't hold back with letting people know.

You are impatient in love. You are so eager to fall in love that you often fall for the wrong person.


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What's Your Birthday's Wisdom?

Your Birthday's Wisdom is Individuality

Life has required you to go your own way and do your own thing.

You've been taught to rely on yourself. You don't feel comfortable relying on others.

You are highly motivated and aggressive. You have no problem getting things done and getting what you want.

You feel like you have to look out for yourself, because no one else is.

not quite...

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What Hairstyle Are You?

You Are a Ponytail

You are energetic, laid back, and a lot of fun. You are ready for whatever life throws at you.

Your idea of style is looking presentable. You prefer simple, well fitting, and neat clothes.

At your best, you are productive, inspiring, and full of live. You love to be active.

At your worst, you are hyperactive and frenzied. Sometimes it's hard for you to calm down.

all day, every day!


Friday, April 24, 2009

What Vitamin Are You?

You Are Vitamin D

You're a naturally strong person. You've always had a lot of endurance.

You can survive what would make most people crumble. You have both mental and physical strength.

You don't do a lot to stay healthy - you just live a pretty natural lifestyle.

You stay away from processed junk, sleep like a baby, and get plenty of sunshine!

nah something went wrong here

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

How Spicy Are You?

Your Spicy Score: Medium

You enjoy letting loose and having fun, but you don't go overboard.

You know that a little spice can go a long way. You keep yourself in check.

When things are too boring, you really know how to bump up the temperature.

When things are getting hot and completely out of control, you know how to pull back.

gotta give a little

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Kind of Fast Food Are You?

You Are a Burrito

You're not a picky person. You're able to go with the flow and really enjoy life.

You have a taste for the exotic, and you're quite adventurous. You're willing to try almost anything.

You're very low maintenance. You don't mind getting a bit messy if it means having fun.

You aren't superficial or easily impressed. Someone has to be the real deal if they're going to impress you.

right on


Is Your Life Boring?

You Live an Interesting Life

You may not live the most exciting life, but you're actually pretty fascinating.

You keep busy and active. You try to enjoy life at every turn.

If you feel like things have gotten a bit boring lately, you may need to shake it up a bit.

Try visiting a new place, eating a new type of food, or listening to some new music. Novelty makes for a more interesting life!

when I get the energy to leave the house


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are You a Dreamer or a Doer?

You Are a Dreamer

You are primarily concerned with possibilities. You tend to be a fanciful person.

All of the world's opportunities sometimes overwhelm you.

You are obsessed with ideas and tend to be a big thinker. Theories interest you greatly.

You crave intellectual stimulation. You are drawn to a philosophical way of life.



Friday, April 17, 2009

How Many of Your Needs Are Being Met?

None of Your Needs Are Being Met

Needs not being met: Physiological, love, safety, esteem, and self-actualization needs

While it may seem surprising to you, none of your core needs are being met.

You are not getting enough fuel to keep you going, and it's hindering every aspect of your life.

Go back to square one. Work on getting enough rest, eating right, and even exercising.

To be happy and fulfilled, your physical needs like food and sleep need to be taken care of.

so wrong!


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Are You Dusk or Dawn?

You Are Dusk

You are a naturally idealistic and creative person. You look forward to nights where everything is possible.

You spend most of your energy on play. Work is okay, but the true you emerges after the work day is done.

You're an offbeat type that doesn't like rules or schedules. Life's too short to waste at a desk in a cube.

Whether you spend your night socializing or working on side projects, you like that your time is yours.


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What's Your Soap Opera Name?

Your Soap Opera Name is Helena Isabella Lambert

The Second

um what does "the second" supposed to mean?


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Who Do You Want to Impress?

You Want to Impress Strangers

You want strangers to think you're attractive. You want to be seen as gorgeous and sexy.

You want everyone you meet to think you're brilliant. Being seen as intelligent is important for your self esteem.

You are at your most playful when you are around family and friends. You are more serious around people you don't know well.

You have no problem letting strangers see the real you. You are upfront about who you are.

You don't become close to many people. You only let people you've gotten to know very well in.

the end sounds like me

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Are You Stylish?

You Are Not Stylish

To be honest, you think fashion is a complete waste of time.

You don't really care about how you dress, and those who do are simply superficial.

While you don't have to look like you stepped out of a magazine, maybe you should update your wardrobe.

People treat you better when you look better. Besides, it's fun to express your personal style!

You should treat others how u want to be treated regardless of what they're wearing


Thursday, April 09, 2009

What's Your Supervillain Name?

Your Supervillain Name is Poison Wolf


better than Bloody Warrior...


What Big Cat Are You?

You Are a Snow Leopard

You have learned that you must rely on yourself, and yourself alone, to live a happy life.

You understand the world better than most people you know. You are very perceptive and intuitive.

You need lots of space to think. If you don't get the space you need, you're likely to bite someone's head off.

Because you are so thoughtful and solitary, people find you to be intense and mysterious. You're even seen as intimidating.


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How Old Is Your Body?

Your Body is 24 Years Old

Your body is younger than it should be. Congratulations!

You're taking good care of yourself, and it's definitely paying off.

Whether it's by accident or by choice, you're living a very healthy lifestyle.

Keep it up, and you're likely to live a long, vibrant life.

only younger by a year


What Type of Art Are You?

You Are a Drawing

You appreciate things that are simple and elegant.

You believe that complexity is mostly used to mask flaws.

You believe that art is about leaving more to the imagination.

The best art isn't overly showy or flashy. It subtly beautiful.

*shrugs* not a great draw-er


How Do You Think?

You Think Creatively

Your brain works best when you let your intuition be your guide.

You like to imagine, speculate, and fantasize. You have fun playing with ideas.

You are interested in theories. You enjoy studying and developing them.

You are drawn toward art, philosophy, and even math. Almost every subject is interesting to you.

not all of em


Friday, April 03, 2009

What Herb Are You?

You Are Mint

You are a honest person with a strong personality. Your frank point of view is refreshing.

You've been quite lucky in your life, though you have made more of your own luck than you realize.

You are engaging and disarming. You definitely have the "gift of gab!"

You live an edgy, dynamic life. Sometimes you get a little burned, but you always bounce back.

hmm maybe I should try this one again


Thursday, April 02, 2009

How Big Is Your Ego?

Your Ego is Small

You are quite humble. You try not to spend too much time congratulating yourself.

You're proud of who you are, but you're also secure. You don't need to brag.

You see yourself and others in a pretty realistic way. You appreciate strengths and faults.

You respect people and believe that you can learn from them.

I'm just lil old me


How Do You Color Your Life?

You Color Your Life With Vibrant Brightness

You are an energetic person who's obsessed with ideas and modern.

You love technology, and you like to be on the cutting edge of things.

You tend to be a little materialistic. You love to shop.

You love sophisticated and dramatic things. You were born to live in the heart of the city.

I love colors, but none of that is true


What Type of Car Are You?

You Are a Convertible

You're playful and carefree. You are lighthearted in all aspects of your life.

Life is short and you act accordingly. You don't worry, and you try to bring fun into other people's lives.

You love feeling free, and you don't do well with rules or restrictions. You need to be able to do your own thing.

You feel more alive than most people. You can really savor the little things in life, like feeling the wind in your hair.

not too much wind

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