Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Thursday, July 31, 2008

What's Your Money Personality?

Your Money Personality is Tightwad

You don't spend money unless you absolutely have to.

And when you do spend, you try to go for the cheapest option possible.

You're not a penny pincher because you're poor. In fact, you may have the most cash of anyone you know.

You're a true saver. You feel safest when you can watch your bank account grow.

While more people should follow your lead, make sure you're not depriving yourself.

Spend enough money to take care of yourself in the short term, so you'll be healthy and happy for the long term.

I gotta work on that


Are You Depressed?

Your Depression Level: 28%

You may be depressed.

While you can be moody, your moods generally fall within the range of normal.

It's up to you to decide if you're depressed... or if you're simply having a bad week.

I'm not having a good week


What Flavor Popsicle Are You?

You Are a Cherry Flavored Popsicle

You are sweet and friendly. For you, summer is all about doing your favorite things.

You are a nostalgic person. You love old fashioned things like ice cream trucks.

You savor everything. Every taste of summer, the feeling of the sun, the smell of the beach...

Of all the types, you love summer the most.

if only I had the time to enjoy it


How's Your Feng Shui?

Your Feng Shui is Decent

Your home is a comfortable enough place. After all, it is your home.

Truthfully, though, it may be a bit too cluttered and stale.

Try rearranging your furniture, donating unwanted items, and bringing in some natural elements.

You may be surprised how much more relaxed you end up feeling.

everybody loves my house

some ppl won't leave, but that's a whole nother story

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Would You Have Been a Good Husband in the 1930s?

You Would Make an Okay 1930's Husband

You have some of the attributes of an ideal 1930's husband.

You're well mannered, kind, and even tempered.

You have a few nasty habits, but what man doesn't?



Would You Have Been a Good Wife in the 1930s?

You Would Make an Okay 1930's Wife

You have some of the attributes of an ideal 1930's wife... but you probably didn't intend it to be that way.

You don't buy into retro gender roles, though you do embrace your femininity at times.

A 1930's man may find you passable, but you probably wouldn't want anything to do with him.

I aint with the old school stuff


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Are You a Wimp?

You Are Not a Wimp

In fact, you are an incredibly tough person.

Your nerves do not get the better of you.

You don't back down from challenges or intimidating situations.

You love the thrill of conquer... so much so that it outweighs the fear of defeat.

I ain't no punk!


Are You a Narcissist?

You Are Occasionally a Narcissist

While you have healthy self esteem, you're really not that full of yourself.

Compared to most people, you're quite humble!

Though occasionally, you can't help and reflect on how great you are.

There's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself - as long as you don't let it go to your head!

I don't like talking about myself


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Can You Spot a Liar?

You Sometimes Know When Someone's Lying

You can spot a liar if the liar slips up, but you're not always aware of other people's dishonesty.

Eventually a liar will reveal himself, and you usually will figure out if you've been lied to.

However, someone could be duping you without you knowing it. So watch out for the telltale signs of lying!

it doesn't take too long for people to slip up


What Hand Gesture Are You?

You Are an "A-OK"

Your life philosophy can be summed up as, "Whatever will be, will be."

Your greatest wish is to live each day a little better than the next.

You are naturally calm and stable. Some people would call you a rock.

You feel one with the world. You are a spiritual person, though no one who knows you would guess it.

true, true


Friday, July 18, 2008

How Should You Get Fit?

Your Fitness Type: Expressive

You find most exercise to be repetitive and dull.

But if you're able to express yourself, you hardly feel like you're exercising.

Try taking a dance class. Any kind that interests you, from ballet to hip hop.

You may also find that skiing, skateboarding, and roller skating are expressive sports in their own right!



Are You Afraid of Commitment?

You Are A Little Scared of Commitment

You're open to getting serious with someone... though you can't entirely imagine it.

Maybe you haven't met the right person. Maybe you haven't gotten to the right point in your life.

Your reaction to commitment is very normal - especially if you're young or have been burned before.

Give it time. You'll probably be ready for a serious relationship sooner than you think.



The Sunglasses Test

What Your Sunglasses Say About You

You are down to earth, stable, and practical.

You see the world as it is. You accept facts easily.

You need to be shaded from overly dramatic and problem prone people.

You feel sunniest when things are calm and peaceful.


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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What's Your Bedroom Personality?

Your Bedroom Personality: Healthy

In the bedroom, you are open, honest, and giving.

You are the ideal partner in many ways! Anyone is lucky to be with you.

You see physical intimacy as an opportunity to grow and connect.

You are up for experimentation, but you don't require it.

pretty much


Is Your Willpower Strong?

You Have a Fairly Strong Willpower

Temptation doesn't get the better of you all that often.

If you set your mind on a goal, you'll do your best to achieve it.

And while you don't have a perfect record with willpower, you do okay.

If you fall off the wagon with something, you're usually not off the wagon for long.



Thursday, July 10, 2008

Are You Ready for a New Boyfriend?

You are Almost Ready to Date Again

You're over him... well, mostly.

Truth be told, you still think of your ex on occasion.

Enough to effect any new relationship you may start.

Give yourself time and space - you are 90% there.

And don't swear off men, just make sure to play the field.

I'd rather swear em off and become a hermit


Do You Have Healthy Relationships

You Have Fairly Healthy Relationships

You try your best in relationships, and you do a pretty good job.

You're as considerate, honest, and giving as you can be.

There's always more that you can do, and sometimes you do leave people feeling a bit neglected.

Great relationships don't happen overnight. As long as you keep making improvements, your relationships will get better!

Umm...y do I need to make improvements? How about ppl start trying to see things from my perspective?


Are You Bold?

You Are Bold When it Counts

You don't make a big fuss about getting what you want... unless it's really important to you.

Then you're as bold as you want to be. You just go for it!

You're often up for a little excitement and adventure. Well, as long as the cost isn't too great.

You enjoy risk, but not for it's own sake. Let's just say you've learned a few lessons about risk in your life.



Are You a Green Driver?

You Are a Fairly Green Driver

You driving isn't the greenest, but it's greener than most people.

Whether you have a fuel efficient car or try not to speed, you try not to use a lot of gas.

You do your best to drive less. However, it's not always possible.

You may end up driving more than you'd like, but at least you're doing what you can!

when I get a car that is...


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

What Condiment Are You?

You Are Salsa

You are an extremely outgoing and vivacious person.

You are quite tolerant and open minded. You rather accept people than judge them.

Adventurous and unpredictable, you have the reputation of a daredevil.

Your taste in food leans toward very spicy and exotic dishes.

Whether it's thai food or an extra spicy mexican meal, you're into the hot flavors.

You get along with hot sauce personalities. Everyone else, not so much.

true, I tried habanero chips today and almost burned my tongue off


What Kind of Swimsuit Are You?

You Are a One Piece Swimsuit

You are a bit conservative and traditional.

And you are not at the beach to put your body on display!

You are a low maintenance person. You like to look good, but you're not vain.

Your taste tends to be sophisticated. You always opt for classy over trashy.



Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Road Trip Test

The Road Trip of Your Life

You see romantic love as what's most important in life. A deep connection with someone else is the primary thing you crave.

Your life is quite hectic. You try to slow down when you can, but it's not easy!

You are all about risk and randomness in your life. You travel off the beaten path... in fact, you're often the one carving the way!

You are able to find a fairly healthy balance between work and play. You work when you need to, but you never let yourself burn out.

In another life, you could have been a great artist. You trust your creative instincts enough to let them lead you.

I could use a road trip these days


Are You a Winter Person or a Summer Person?

You Are a Summer Person

You are energetic, outgoing, and active.

You love to be out and about... hanging out with friends or getting things done.

Summer is the perfect time for you to be as hyper as you want to be.

In fact, during the rest of the year you feel half-asleep!

nothin to say bout this...

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Are You a Citizen of the World?

You Are a Citizen of the World

Whenever possible, you try to pay attention to what's going on in the world.

You are truly interested in all people and countries, no matter how far away from you they are.

You try to learn, travel, and understand.

Being a part of the whole world is important to you, and you're always working to be more internationally focused.

There's a whole lot goin on outside the ol U.S. of A.
