Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Gemstone Test

Your Gemstone Says...

You are stable, strong, and full of life. You are an inspiring person.

People turn to you first for leadership and advice.

You are able to gently help people get to where they need to be.

And while you aren't afraid to lead when necessary, you are never heartless or bossy.

I think I picked the wrong one


What Kind of Names Do You Like?

You Like Names That Are Classic and Timeless

You prefer quality names that have stood the test of time.

You don't like anything that's trendy today and outdated next year.

Names are important to you, and naming someone should not be an social experiment.

You are the type most likely to name someone after a family member.

Some female names you might like: Andrea, Elizabeth, Hannah, Julia, Marie, Nicole, and Victoria

Some male names you might like: Aaron, Benjamin, Christopher, Jonathan, Matthew, Thomas, and Zachary

My friends and family have boys with similar names Jaren Jalen Kailon Kadin and Jaden
So I should probably have a boy and name him Karon?


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Ice Cream Personality Test

Your Ice Cream Personality:

You are a bit of a bragger. Your personality is larger than life - and you really enjoy showing off.

You are incredibly cautious. You rather miss out on something than make a mistake. No one would ever call you wild... but they would call you responsible.

You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.

You are a natural multitasker. You feel alive when you're doing more than one thing at a time.

You can be a big dramatic and over the top sometimes. You are bold in every way.

not a bragger

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Are You a Good Listener?

You Are an Okay Listener

You try to be a good listener, and usually you are.

But some people are just so boring and difficult to listen to!

Your mind tends to wander during some conversations.

You are likely to space out a little or try to change the subject to something more interesting.

queen of spacing out, pisces are known for being in their own world anyway


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What Do the Contents of Your Refrigerator Say About You?

What Your Fridge Says About You

You like to be surrounded by things you love. You aren't exactly greedy, but you can be materialistic at times.

You tend to be a fairly thrifty person. You splurge occasionally, but you're mostly a saver.

You don't tend to be a very adventurous person, but you do surprise everyone now and then. You have a bit of a wild side.

You are responsible, together, and mature. You act like an adult, even when you don't feel like it.

You are likely single - and a workaholic.

who knew my fridge was so smart

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What Color Is Your Kiss?

Your Kiss is Red

You are intense about kissing but easily distracted.

You kiss for attention, power, and passion.

It doesn't take a lot for you to want to kiss someone.

If you see a kissing opportunity, you always go for it!

Kissing Type: Kissaholic (admit it!)

People See Your Kisses as: Seductive

You Kiss Best With: An Orange Kisser

Stay away from: A Blue Kisser

didn't mention anything about tongue...


How Do you Respond: Fight or Flight?

Your Response is: Stay Calm

You don't have much of a fight or flight response.

In fact, you rather do neither. You don't like getting worked up.

You are able to approach most threats calmly and rationally.

You don't let your emotions get the best of you!

fuck em!


Are You Sweet or Salty?

You Are a Sweet Person

When it comes to snacks, you're more likely to grab some candy than heat up a pizza.

There's a good chance you're female (women prefer sweet snacks)...

Or at least, you prefer to be in the company of women.

Your tastes are simple and predictable. You are young at heart.

You tend to crave food you can just grab and eat.

I'll take the pizza


What Freudian Stage Are You In?

You Are in the Oral Stage of Development

According to Dr. Freud, you are stuck in the oral stage of development.

If you were orally denied as a child, you may be sarcastic and pessimistic.

If you were orally indulged as a child, you may be spoiled and a bit gullible.

You may not have the cliched "oral fixation" most times, but it's likely to come out during times of stress.

does thumbsucking count as an oral fixation?


Friday, May 16, 2008

What's Your Noble British Name?

Your Noble British Name Is:

Lady Daisy Elvira Brooking

coulda done without the Elvira


How Independent Are You?

Your Independence Level: Medium

In some aspects of your life, you can be very self reliant.

Making your own informed choices feels great.

But you aren't as independent as you could be.

When things get stressful, you sometimes run away from the hard decisions you need to make.

I just like to get different views on things some times


Thursday, May 15, 2008

What Does Your Taste in Music Say About You?

What Your Taste in Music Says About You

Your musical tastes are energetic and rhythmic.

You are full of energy and can be quite talkative.

You are forward thinking and open minded.

You despise conservatism of any sort.

You are intense, detail oriented, and motivated.

You are an ambitious person, though your ambition is anything but conventional.

not so sure


What Element is Your Body?

Your Body's Element is Water

You are a joyful, relaxed, and luminous person.

You love people. You live for making new friends and helping others.

You are enthusiastic and the ideal person to work with.

You don't mind doing hard tasks, and you have a generous spirit.

Your energy tends to be: conserved

You power color is: black

The second half, yea


Thursday, May 01, 2008

The Flip Flop Test

What Your Flip Flops Say About You

You are hopeful and romantic. You love many people and many things.

You aren't unrealistic, but you do imagine things in the most ideal way possible.

You are a dreamer. If something exists, you've probably thought about it.

You don't think about what is, you think about what could be.

Your ideal warm weather place: Fiji

yes, definitely

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Are You a Risk Taker?

Your Risk Taking Level: Medium-Low

You'll take a risk if you have to, but you prefer to err on the side of caution.

If something looks like it's going to work out, you may just go for it.

But frivolous risks like gambling totally aren't your style.

You prefer to have as much control over your life as possible.

no jumpin off of buildings here
