Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Thursday, December 27, 2007

What Holiday Character Are You?

what about jesus?


What's the Recipe for Your Personality?

The Recipe For Danielle

3 parts Kindness

2 parts Glamour

1 part Understanding

Splash of Vitality

Serve over ice


How Did Your Year Rate?

You Had an Average Year

While you had some setbacks, your year also brought some good things.

All in all, things mostly evened out. That's just how life works.

Focus on what went well for you - and what you can improve.

A new year is a perfect reason to give yourself a fresh start!

yea, hopefully 08 is better

Monday, December 17, 2007

Do You Have the Christmas Spirit?

Your Christmas Sprit Level: 60%

You have a lot of Christmas spirit, and it's evident to most people who know you.

You love most things Christmas, and you do your best to make sure everyone has a great holiday.

While you like the more commercial aspects of Christmas, you truly know what the spirit of Christmas is about.

You're all about giving, being kind, and sharing the spirit of Christmas with everyone you know.

holidays are ok, just a reason to overeat and spend a lot of money


Should You Vote for Ron Paul?

You Should Definitely Vote for Ron Paul

You agree with Ron Paul on all the major issues. If you haven't learned about him yet, you definitely should.

How you agree with Ron Paul:

You and Ron Paul agree that it's time to bring the troops home from Iraq.

You and Ron Paul agree that it's time to end the War on Drugs.

You and Ron Paul agree that it's time to repeal the Patriot Act.

You and Ron Paul agree that the IRS should be abolished.

You and Ron Paul agree that the US Constitution has no business defining marriage as "between one man and one woman."

You and Ron Paul agree that the government is too big. It's time to give taxpayers their money back.

hmm I should do some research on this guy


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What Color Christmas Tree Should You Have?

You Should Have a Blue Christmas Tree

For you, the holidays represent a time of calm, understanding, and peace.

You avoid family fights, and you don't get too stressed out - even when things are crazy!

You like to make Christmas about making everyone's life a little bit better.

You don't get caught up in greed or commercialism. You're too sincere for that.

Your blue tree would look great with: Lots of silver tinsel

You should spend Christmas Eve watching: It's a Wonderful Life

What you should bake for Santa: Chocolate chip cookies

I should probably go shopping tomorrow

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Monday, December 03, 2007

How Much Do You Know About Christmas?

You Don't Know Much About Christmas

You only got 3/10 correct

So you don't know all of the history and trivia of the holidays...

As long as you remember to put out some cookies for Santa, you're still ahead of the game.

Random Christmas fact: Some people believe that all animals can speak on Christmas Eve. But it's bad luck to test this superstition.

there's no way
