Quiz Obsession

My Blogthings Quiz Results

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How Good Are You?

You Are 60% Good

You are a fairly good person. You strive to live a moral life whenever possible.

You are usually kind, generous, and loyal. However, you do have a dark side that even you may not see.

When it comes down to ethical decisions, you tend to take the path of least resistance.

So you may end up lying, cheating, or engaging in other bad behavior... because it's just easier to do so.

You are also probably: Conflicted and confused about the current course of your life

Right now you are on track to being: A slightly crooked politician

To be a better person: Break one bad habit - whether it's telling white lies or spending too much money.

I don't want to be a total good girl


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What Carnival Ride Are You?

You Are a Log Ride

You prefer to live a fairly calm, relaxed life... with a few surprises thrown in.
You don't tend to get yourself worked up easily. You can roll with what life throws at you.
In relationships, you are steady and solid. You maintain a pretty broad perspective on what's going on.
That's not to say you can't get swept away. You're emotions run as deep as anyone else's.

Your life seems like it has been remarkably easy so far. But that's due to how you manage it.
You never stretch yourself too thinly, and you think out your decisions carefully.
Taking the time to enjoy each day is important to you, and you don't let your emotions rule you.
You stay the course and do what's right... knowing it will all work out in the end.

At your best, you are tolerant and understanding of other people's quirks.
You take "go with the flow" to the extreme. Even if you don't like where you're going.
At your worst, you repress your feelings and end up being a little tightly wound.
You definitely have some explosive emotions that occasionally come to the surface!

this quiz didn't say anything about funnel cake :T


Friday, August 17, 2007

What Color Crayon Are You?

You Are a Green Crayon

Your world is colored in harmonious, peaceful, natural colors.
While some may associate green with money, you are one of the least materialistic people around.
Comfort is important to you. You like to feel as relaxed as possible - and you try to make others feel at ease.
You're very happy with who you are, and it certainly shows!

Your color wheel opposite is red. Every time you feel grounded, a red person does their best to shake you.

not a green fan, but I like the meaning behind it


Thursday, August 16, 2007

How Do Your Kisses Rate?

Your Kissing Grade: B

You are a good kisser, and your kisses definitely leave a mark.
As you know, there's always room for a little improvement when it comes to kissing.
Try to figure out what your kissing partner really likes, and customize your kissing style just for them!

I want an oral exam on this one


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Are You a Dumb American?

You Are Not a Dumb American

You got 6/10 correct.
You know a good deal about American history, but there's some basic facts you have wrong.
Time to go back to history class!

whatever, more than half is good

Who Were You In a Past Life?

In a Past Life...

You Were: A Blind Fortune Teller.

Where You Lived: Siberia.

How You Died: Hung for treason.

I could see myself doing that


Are You Emo?

You Are 28% Emo

You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy.

they need to get out and smell the roses or something


Friday, August 10, 2007

What Does Your Pizza Say About You?

What Your Pizza Reveals

People may tell you that you have a small appetite... but you aren't under eating. You just aren't a pig.

You consider pizza to be bread... very good bread. You fit in best in the Midwest part of the US.

You like food that's traditional and well crafted. You aren't impressed with "gourmet" foods.

You are dependable, loyal, and conservative with your choices.

You are adventurous and independent. You should consider traveling to Thailand.

The stereotype that best fits you is geek. You're the type most likely to order pizza to avoid leaving your computer.

damn, I am a nerd


Thursday, August 09, 2007

Could You Be Violent?

There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body

You're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin.
And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly.
You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option.

I don't know y ppl are scared of me, I'm harmless


Are You Prejudiced?

You Are Not Prejudiced

Not only are you color blind, but you're also ethnicity blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind.
You don't judge someone until you truly know them. And even then, you're probably reluctant to judge.
You try to treat everyone equally. Everyone has a fair chance with you.
Good job - there's not a prejudiced bone in your body.

all of em suck lol j/k


Are You a Nonconformist?

You Are 56% Non Conformist

You definitely have your freak flag out, and from time to time, you wave it.
You have some pretty strong opinions, and you're not afraid to express them.

do what you wanna do


What Kind of Sandal Are You?

You are Flat Sandals

Casual yet flirty
You look great in a simple top and jeans
Your look is approachable and cute!

simple & sweet


How Phobic Are You?

You Are 16% Phobic

Wow, you're scared of very little. And you're always conquering new fears that come up.
Have you considered a career as a stunt double? You should at least go on one of those crazy reality shows where you eat bugs!

aint no way in hell


Should You Live With Your Boyfriend?

Start Hunting For That New Apartment

You two are ready to live together - and probably have been for a while
You're a perfect match, even if you don't agree on everything
What's important is compromise... a skill you and your guy have mastered
So head out to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It's time for your new life together!

oh hell no! lmao


Is He Prettier Than You?

Your Guy Is About As Pretty As You!

While your guy isn't straight out of GQ, he's a bit of a pretty boy.
And he enjoys an indie movie from time to time... so what?
You've got the best of both worlds, girlfriend - a manly guy who understands women.
Just make sure that he spends more on your dates than the salon.

they say I like pretty boys


Sunday, August 05, 2007

Is Your Date Fashion Style Classy, Sassy, or Trashy?

Your Style is Classy

You've got class, and you know how to put together a guy catching outfit
You're more likely to shop at Bloomie's than bebe
For you style is looking like a million bucks...
And you're always do with your fantastic yet feminine wardrobe

too bad I hate shopping, I would have a great wardrobe


What Kind of Friend Are You?

You Are A Fun Friend

You're the one who keeps your group laughing
And you've always got an idea for something fun to do
The party's not complete without you
And you wouldn't miss it for the world

that's a lie


Would He Bring You Home to Mom?

Your Guy Should Bring You Home

You're classy, well-mannered, and you have great social skills.
And you're definitely sure to impress your guy's parents.
If he doesn't bring you home to meet mom, he's crazy!

I'm the perfect girl :)

ha! looks like I've improved in about a year

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Is He About to Propose?

He Might Ask You - But Not This Year

You and your guy are playing a game of marriage warm up
Which as fine, as long as you haven't been playing the game for years
Give him time, give him space, you know the drill.
But the real test comes by asking yourself:
"Is this guy ever going to ask? And what would I say?"

I aint ready for all that


Thursday, August 02, 2007

Would You Pick Him Again?

You Would Pick Your Boyfriend Again!

While the initial new couple spark has faded for you two,
You've built upon your attraction - and formed a deep love.
And although things are never perfect, they're usually pretty great.
So don't let your eye wander. You've got the best catch for you, at home.

don't know what you've got until it's gone


Who Wears the Pants... You or Your Guy?

Both of You Wear the Pants

You and your guy seem to have stuck the perfect power balance.
It's not that you don't disagree - it's just that you've learned how to compromise well.
You're both mature enough to know that you can't always get your way...
And usually, you're both adult enough to reach an agreement - even if that sometimes means giving in a little.

that's the way it should be


How Much Do You Know About 80s Music?

You Scored 40% Correct

You know some 80s stuff
Like that Paula Abdul was a star back then
But you're not sure who Suzie Q was
And you don't know what Samantha Fox was really famous for!

I shoulda been born sooner


What's Your 80s Theme Song?

Your 80s Theme Song Is:

Wild Wild West by The Escape Club

never heard it

What's Your Fragrance Profile?

Your Fragrance Profile

The best calming fragrance: vanilla
The best fragrance for everyday wear: orange
The best fragrance to boost your sex appeal: lavender
The best fragrance for energy: pine

pine is for cleaning, but yea to the rest

What Kind of Ex-Girlfriend Are You?

You Are an Indifferent Ex

You're not one of those girls who thinks about her exes - or even remembers them
"Love 'em and Leave 'em" is your motto. And your break ups tend to be a clean break.
It's a nice strategy to have, and guys appreciate your total lack of emotional baggage.
But just a little reminder: it is okay to remember the good parts of your past, even with exes.

fuck em


Is He Over His Ex?

He's Over Her!

Don't worry about a thing - your guy is totally over his ex.
He's moved on, found someone better, and he's never looking back!

he better be


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Are You a PMS Disaster?

Your PMS Disaster Level: Medium

You definitely are a bit of a wreck once a month.
But as long as you remember to take it easy, your PMS isn't a major crisis.

just need some chocolate, fresh air and quiet


Are You a Confident Woman?

You're Confident...Sometimes

You can seem confident when the occasion calls for it
But inside you may be experiencing a bit of self doubt
A little more inner confidence could take you far...
And convince others that you're as confident as you try to seem

I need more motivation than confidence


What Kind of Redhead Should You Be?

You Should Be a Strawberry Blonde Redhead

Sweet and simple, with a subtle fiery glow.

doubt that'll ever happen

Were You a Naughty or Nice Girl This Year?

You Were Nice This Year

You Were 40% Naughty, 60% Nice

Okay, so you weren't *entirely* nice this year
But Santa doesn't expect a modern girl to be perfect
You were good enough - and you'll be rewarded for it

I sure hope so

Is It Time for You to Act Like a Woman?

You Need to Grow Up a Little

You're definitely not a kid anymore, though sometimes it's hard to tell.
Your life is somewhat adult, but chances are, you aren't really satisfied with it.
Whether this means getting a better job or dumping a loser boyfriend...
It's definitely time for you to start living a fully adult life.

I agree, gotta get on my grown woman thang


Do You Shop More Than Most Women?

You're a Window Shopper!

You know that shopping's a blast, but you prefer to save your money
You hardly ever give into an impulse buy, unless it's a total steal
You've always got the most money of your friends - and you never have to borrow
And you've got a nice wardrobe too ... of classic pieces that last years!

need a few more of those classic pieces, but yea

Are You an Independent Woman?

You Are 57% Independent

Overall, you're a pretty independent woman. You don't follow trends just to fit in.
You've got your own cool thing going on, though you sometimes still care too much about what other's think.

I'm different and the same all in one
